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BWMA MVT's Military Mayhem 2007

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May I offer my best wishes to the organisers of Military Mayhem 2008.


As many folks may know the Birmingham & West Midlands Area MVT were going to have a show using this title in 2007. Sadly the BWMA show had to be cancelled and perhaps what really happened should be told and this may help others who fancy running a show.


In March 2007 a member of the BWMA asked if the area could have it's own show as 'several' members wanted one and a group would be formed. The area's committee said yes and it would give background support and raise funds but other area commitments meant that they could not be 100% involved the group formed would run it and report back monthly. This was agreed. The name Military Mahem was chosen by the group though not fully agreed by the committee. Entry forms where produced along with fliers. I attended an MVT Council of Management meeting and obtained after much discussion and two attempts a loan of £2500-00. The 'group' organising the event had found a site near Stoneliegh. At a meeting with the land owner the basis of the show was discussed. I met the land owner and discovered a none refundable deposit of £500 had been agreed. As time moved on the areas committee was discovering that the group new little of what was happening and no meetings taken place. It was in fact a one man organisation.

The areas committee asked questions as to how the show was progressing and was told "There's loads of interest, there are that many tanks coming and reenactors, I don't where they will all go." The committee asked how many again and again and could they have a list. Nothing appeared. Several e mails were sent. Nothing.

In early July no satisfactory answers could be obtained. It finally came to a head when it was discovered that the 'Organiser' had gone to Beltring and could not be contacted. A meeting of the areas committee was hurredly conviened and what should we do. This meeting lasted until

1-00am and a statement produced that the show would be cancelled if the 'Organiser' did not give a satisfactory answer. A receipt was produced for him to sign to acknowledge receipt of the written statement. The BWMA treasurer took the written statement to Beltring and handed it to the person in question along with the receipt. The 'Organiser' screwed them up and stuffed them in his pocket with the comment "I don't read letters I'm on holiday!" I received a phone call from the treasurer and the show 'Military Mahem 2007' was cancelled with immediate effect. The £2500 was returned untouched to the MVT and the none refundable deposit paid plus all other outstanding costs. The area was left with £2-38 in the bank!!! Our customery Christmas 'Do' was cancelled due to lack of funding. Thanks to an amazing effort by all the areas members and it's treasurer we have some money back in the bank. The person in question has not been back to any club meetings though apparently the areas committee are a bunch of............!! We have given him the opportunity to meet the areas committee to explain what went wrong. One things for sure we won't let ourselves be taken down that road again. How many vehicles were booked in? 24. I know, I wrote to them and apologised. It may be water under the bridge but to be put in that kind of a financial crisis is not funny and isn't easily forgotten.


Phil Palmer


Birmingham & West Midlands Area MVT.


Sorry for going on but it had to be told. I would have put it in writing at the time but I didn't know this Forum existed. Some may wish I hadn't found it.


Again best wishes to the guy's and gal's running Military Mahem 2008. I hope you have a succesful and profitable show.

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Thanks for your kind wishes and very sorry to hear of the problems you have had, we are finding out what can occur when organising a show, many obstacles do crop up throughout the year and of course you cannot always sort these out.

We will find out after the show if it has been a success by the feedback from people who attend, who knows?.



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Sorry for going on but it had to be told. I would have put it in writing at the time but I didn't know this Forum existed. Some may wish I hadn't found it.


Again best wishes to the guy's and gal's running Military Mahem 2008. I hope you have a succesful and profitable show.


Thanks for letting us know what happened Phil. Rather depressing and sad really and i am sorry to hear that the Area lost out so much financially. It is a bit of an eye opener and a reminder to us that putting on a big show is a very complicated and serious endevour. Something i would certainly not want to get involved in. My hat comes off to anybody who can succesfully put on a big event and many thanks to the organisers of the events that i have been to and plan to go to this year. I couldnt do what you have done.


Tim (too)

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