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we to have rusting hulks on farms but the ones we manage to save are lovingly restored & probably taken care of better than the husband/wife :?

poor Mark, I'm sure we could park 2 deuces at right angles to make a little hidy hole for your m38A1. :lol: mind you it is always a good thing to stand out from the crowd & be a tad different. people always remember the wierd one :wink:



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i am not known for blending into the background so know what it is like .

I don't mind being called strange/wierd/un-normal it comes with the hobby I'm afraid

I told a group at work that I wanted a field & they all looked at me as though I was purple with green spots & had just asked for the quick route to mars :?

what is wrong with wanting a field?

M38A1s are sweet anyway just don't let the bigger boys bully you.



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its funny you should ask jack.

it should have been tucked up nice & cozy in the barn this weekend but it is going to be saturday now before she comes home.

russ had to work saturday morning so went down on the afternoon to blow up the tyres ready for towing back. what we didn't realise was that he would literally blow up the tyres ( well 1 anyway).

pumped up 1 front tyre, moved onto the next front one, just got round the back when an almighty bang had russ laying not 1 brickbut enough to build a dunny in which to mess himself. the first tyre exploded on the inside wall. I think a few unprintable expletives turned the air blue & as it was getting dark the trip home is re arranged for this weekend, with the 2 new tyres on the front.

We have collected the new canvas & the other bits will be collected from malvern on sunday.

we have learnt that the number on the bonnet is the original one. it was discovered by the previous owner when he done a full restoration job on her.

We do need to think of a name for her as it seems wierd calling a she jimmy.

i'll keep you updated



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oh dear, oh dear.

i have been to the post office this afternoon to get the tax for the jimmy so she can be towed home on the weekend.

insurance - check

mot - not needed - check

mot exemption certificate - check

log book - check


so all is ok so far.

got as far as getting the disc & machine is asking for £170.00. excuse me!

it is a historic vehicle & should be free but it is registered as plg. HELP.

after a very long phone call to DVLA listening to various recorded messages & picking my options I finally get to speak to 'rachael' & find even though it states on the notes on the log book date of manufacture 1944 I have to go to my nearest DVLA & get a form V10.

so tomorrow i finish work at 12 noon, keeping to the speed limits pop up to worcester, then back to glos to get russ to sign forms ( insurance is in his name) then back up to worcester to get the tax ( free) & have the log book changed.


The things we do for the hobby :wink:



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yeeaa haaa,

50 mins to get there

45 mins wait

3 mins to get tax

50 mins back home.


and the new log book will have historic vehicle on it to stop us having the problem again.


At least thats 1 more hurdle over with.

back to the niceties now



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  • 1 month later...

sadly russ has had 'man flu' between christmas & new year & was seriously hacked off that he was sick for his 3 days off work. he wanted to get the screen back in, the brake system done & the canvas on.

all he managed to do was take the old canvas off & place the new one over & that was only after he dragged himself down to the barn.

He was hoping to have her ready for our road run on Sunday but that is not going to happen.

I can see myself becoming a green widow for a condensed period of time as I know that once he starts on her he will work every waking hour to get her finished.

I'll have to get more photo's when I can get to see her in the daylight but that wont be for at least another 2 weekends

thanks for asking degsy



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he felt that bad he didn't drink on new years eve even though i was driving :shock:

he feels somewhat better now, he woke up with it boxing day & its just holding on a bit to long now.

The only consolation was that everyone else at work had it at the same time & they all went back to work with stuffed noses today.

I'll soon have him back to as normal as possible.

cheers jack and comiserations for anyone else who has been poorly ( not counting hangovers)



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hopefully he should feel better for sunday as it is our road run & MW's had the nickname the pneumonia wagon. If he still feels rough we will have to go in the civvi van. not a good impression seeing as how it is our MVT area road run & we are supposed to look after everyone, but health comes first.

wishing you feel better soon degsy



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Russ is still not feeling 100% & had to miss out on the road run & our AGM on tuesday but is starting to feel well enough to go down & start work on the Jimmy on saturday.

I will take some photos of her in all her glory as the last time I saw her she was covered in big blue sheets, I can't wait to see her again & sit in the driving seat going brumm brumm.

i'll keep you posted



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