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Matchless G3L

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Any ideas on the number which should go on a Matchless G3L (Frame number is 48273). 

I'm also a bit confused by the date allocated to the frame which by my knowledge is late 1942. Also lent out my book so can't check.

Finally, how big should the "Flying M" be? All sizes are available from various suppliers.

Any help gratefully received.



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Posted (edited)

I'll check in a minute about the C number, the metal winged <M> was only ever on early G3L's and then the loose wing variety, total width of 5 5/16" or 150.8mm. (postwar one piece badges are smaller) transfers were never issued until postwar civilian production, but in some instances the winged <M> was painted on the tank in white or silver.







winged M.png

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Nobody has them, and repro's aren't made anymore, for a nice set be prepared to pay up to 500-600 euro's. (last G3WO complete tank, with panel and instruments 3500 was asked!!)

But I would check your petrol tank first, if it has the screw bosses for the badges, sometimes bondo'd over, but looking inside the filler, they can be seen, if present at all.


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Posted (edited)

Regarding frame number 48273 that is from contract S1050 (the one after C14499), from late 1942, so no badges were fitted on this contract.

The C number on the tank is listed as C5257374, but according to other numbers in the series this should be C5255673 so who knows what happened here.

The bike was released from the Army on 11-11-1960, at Bowhouse, last user I cannot read.

Postwar ERM number was 38ZB30, info on Key Card No. 439a. (scan of this card with appx. 15 bikes on it can be purchased from me for 20 euro's)

See below sample scan of a Key Card, and a period picture of the same contract. (and yes, it has the badges! Parts lists cannot be trusted I guess!!!)





0001A - Sample.jpg

23 small.jpg

Edited by welbike
wrong number
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Posted (edited)

I noticed a typo in your reply Lex: the census number should be C5255673. But as you say, frame number 48273 is listed in the KeyCards as C5257347, for an unknown reason. Something went wrong there...


Some more pictures from the same contract:


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Jan , have edited the number, my keyboard is not working properly! The petrol tank could have been changed at some part in it's immediate postwar life of course.

Ron there were no prewar M transfers as far as I know, only metal badges, first the sole M, and later the additional wings, they must have still had thousands in stock to have manufactured the loose wings!! 

There are of course tanks with transfers, but they are all postwar manufactured, as these bikes soldiered on until the 60's. see picture.




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Sorry Lex, but there are enough war time pictures of G3L's with a none screwed on "M"

Acording to Robert Derrick's (RIP) research, this first waterslide was fitted to the tank in 1937/38 (I don't know what model)

The second image is for WW2.  Ron

download M.png

download M2.png

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Sorry Ron, but I do disagree with you somewhat, I don't know where Robert (RIP) got this info from, but it is not correct, I did research this a bit, and you can check for yourself on the Jampot DK archive; AJS and Matchless download page (jampot.dk)

1937 still had the lone M metal badges, and 1938 was the first year with the winged <M> badges, and even the cheapest 250cc model had the metal badges, furthermore there are no winged M transfers listed anywhere in the G3L parts lists, check Simon's parts database here: matchless.vercel.app/?part_name=transfer  No tank transfers listed other than the tanktop one, of which I made the drawings for, so Robert could make them.

But now it gets interesting, checking the 1946 parts list for the transfers here: S56 1946 =M= G3L G80.pdf (jampot.dk)

I find the following number, 42-G3L-T57-T, and that suggests there was a transfer in 1942, when the metal badges were discontinued, but I think they were deleted very quickly, maybe that is what we see on the wartime pictures? and then as the bottom one in your post, the top one is postwar, I'm pretty sure of that.

But I think a lot of them were painted on by the troops themselves also, or in the factory, like the b/w picture below, I believe this is a test model, for the Blue or Green un's editors, hence the front number plate, and the painted on winged <M> (notice the right hand wing is much bigger), maybe it was a government thing that it was compulsory to have the makers name on the tank of civvy used bikes? (it was so in Holland for the longest time)

More research needed! 


Transfer on G3L tank 02.JPG

G3L at Plumstead.jpg

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I can't disagree with your reaerch Lex. Never the less there are pictures of G3L's with a none screwed winged badge. But I find it hard to beleive that the riders bothered to paint them on. I guess this picture that Jan posted is a victory parade over your way?  Ron


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Well, I never said they never had anything on the tank after 1942, but it's very difficult to see what exactly was used. Your picture is in Amsterdam, I have better resolution somewhere, but got to go and do some actual work on my Matchless, instead of writing about them!  



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I may be wrong here, but I don't believe that serving personnel, in the middle of a conflict, would paint an "anatomically" perfect flying "M" on their bikes. Looking at the photos, while the logos may be different sizes, they are all consistent with the marque.

That suggests transfers or factory paints.


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Posted (edited)

Monty, I will look at my 500+ pictures after Normandy, I am sure I have some that show a handpainted M on the tank, but no time for it now. But if you want to go with a transfer, use the bottom one in Ron's post, that would be safest. (picture added)




Flying M transfer.png

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  • 2 weeks later...
Posted (edited)

Ok, got some more info, and it's not getting any easier, first a petrol tank that was in storage up to 1964 or so, and believed to be of postwar production, due to the postwar Deep Bronze Green colour.

It has the (what I think) later style transfers.



PW Tank 1.jpg

PW Tank 2.jpg

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Wrong picture.
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Posted (edited)

So, yesterday I was visiting a friend, and he had just purchased a G3L tank, that has a late war colour, but also has a transfer, that I presumed to be postwar. It also has the tank top transfer, and I don't see that on the postwar tanks. The position of the tanktop transfer is slightly different to my original paint tank btw.


Bert 01.jpg

Bert 03.jpg

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Ok, last one for now, another tank with the later transfer, so I have officially shot myself in the foot now!


PS, note the "reserve" transfer on the side, I cannot find that on wartime pictures.

PPS, Sorry I don't know who's pictures or tank these were?






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