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11.00 20 BAR TREAD Tyres - Wanted. Any known suppliers?

Sweet Rides

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Thanks Mike, no I had not seen those. Could be a possibility if I can`t find anything new/NOS.

The seller says the tyres are in "variable condition" but then doesn`t show pictures of any of the tyres condition(s) to demonstrate this.  Would also have been useful to have shown the tread pattern too. Possibly not the most helpful advert ever written. But I will definitely bear it in mind and thank you for the heads up . :)

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If you are after tires for a WW2 British vehicle rather than post-war a batch of new 10.50X20 tires will be in the country hopefully soon.  The 11:20X20 tire size only came in very late war.     The tread pattern you are asking for is track-grip rather than the american bar grip.

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Hi Reme and Retalator, thanks for your replies guys.

I am looking for 11 of these tyres to potentially fit a M35 Reo, with the purpose of increasing the rolling circumference of the wheels/tyres (Over the standard 9.00 20`s) and thereby increasing the gearing - achieving another 4-5 mph at  the same RPM`s in 5th gear, high range.

I`m not too fussed if they are track grip or Bar grip (assuming the patterns are similar?) as long as they look roughly period correct. My main goal is that they will fit/seat correctly onto an American 20" split rim and that the diameter of the tyre is around 105/106cm approx.

Reme - do you know the diameter of the 10.50 20`s?

Retalator - thanks for the offer, appreciated, but I will be needing 10 of these tyres as a minimum, preferably 11.

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