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Helistart Defender up for grabs.

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Would be interesting to see its history, if it was army or airforce and what squadron ?

"A viewing platform for the controller" ?  Its a servicing platform for engineers to access the likes of tail rotors, not sure what the seller thinks the controller is. 

I was around when the first purpose built units came from Marshalls, not as usable as the helistart lightweights.  Maybe they improved later.

The work platform has h&s barriers that can be erected but are a pain and never used and the 24v power is isolated from the genny and is battery only when actuated.  Or it was like that when they first turned up.

The lightweights were more home made and just more usable you could gun the engine to help start a Puma even in the artic.

Lots of memories but lost pictures sadly...

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14 hours ago, matchlesswdg3 said:

Like this?!


That looks like a later Marshall bespoke version.  The earlier ones, hard top and soft top, had four upright posts from the rear body to a 3/4 ply platform with anti-skid paint to stop you falling off.

The cable connected to the offside rear above the lights and looked like it was taken from the old trolley-acks complete with switch and connector.

They worked a treat, the front wings and bonnet also good as a work platform and used to tow the helicopters (Puma and Wessex) around with a front tow hook for pushing.

For starting a Puma, usually first start of the day, would be parked about 6 inches from the co-pilot door.

Happy days. (mostly)

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