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J60 engine earth


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Hi Chris


Many thanks  - I don't have anything like that.  I do have an earth strap that goes from the block back to the starter motor - is this correct?  I can't find an attaching point on the hull near the alternator other than the bulkhead fixing bolts.  There is a small threaded hole on the bulkhead on the engine side behind the alternator belt tensioner, would this serve the purpose?



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Hi Chris

That's substantial!  I've nothing like that at all, nor have I had since owning the vehicle.  I've used an earth strap and passed it from the front of the engine to a bolt I've drilled and tapped into the sponson between the air filter and the alternator.  I'm hoping that this will be enough to cure a slight problem I've had with it earthing through the throttle return spring.


Many thanks for your help




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I'm not sure if it's relevant to the J60, but the engines used in the series XJ6's were subject to corrosion in the head/block studs if the earth was not connected to the correct position.

Certain studs would corrode away in the block and fail, I've had this on an engine from a series 2  4.2.

I am no expert but am sure some on here will know more or better.

I effect, if the earth is not substantial enough and in the correct position there can be long term problems. 


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When we were shopping for a J60 to put in our Fox we went to a shed with literally hundreds of them, stacked 2 in a stillage, there must have been over 100 stillages. We were there for several hours before we managed to pick out 5 which didn’t have holes in the side. The 3 in the photo were the ones we ended up with, 2 were seized and one went in the Fox.

I’ve never blown one up, but the photo below was taken at Folkestone a few years ago, the engine was in a Sabre at the time.


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7 hours ago, Richard Farrant said:


I don't think J60 engines were in a vehicle long enough to corrode! We were for ever pulling out engines from CVR(T) and CVR(W) Fox. Seen some monumental damage to them.

Haha, so not many long term problems...

I don't suppose many spent tens of years running in armoured vehicles running up hundreds of thousands of miles. Be nice if they could..



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