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I have held my old school hgv1 since 1995, so i have never worried licensing wise about driving my Diamond T 

however i know of several mates who drive their classic lorries on a car license..

I had a TIA ( a mini stroke) at the end of november and although i appear to have been lucky in that the after effects are minimal i have been told by the doctor that i cannot drive lorries for a year.

if i can legally drive the T on a car license then i dont see a problem, if the hgv license is a must, then potentially it could be.

Before i go to the dvla and get swamped with bullsh~t

Has anyone come across this predicament before and if so what did you do about it?

Any imfo gratefully received



You must get a definative view from the DVLA Medical branch, there is to much at stake to guess. I have been through it for Heart attacks. They are very helpfull but a phone call is a must. Get their answer in it in writing.

  • 2 weeks later...

Hi John, good advice but as i thought, getting a definitive answer out of dvla would be a minfield.

Apparently it all comes down to weight because the Diamond T looks like a lorry and it weighs more than 7.5 tonnes.

if it had a breakdown jib it would be a different story ( obviously a very big jib if it is to hide the fact that it still looks like a lorry)

the fact that it is not used for hire and reward is a  (towing) tractor  on the log book and is pre- 1960 is irrelevant.

the only possible way round  according to dvla this would be to change its taxation class to a showman vehicle. ( which will still look like a lorry) If i send in a photo they might be able to advise me further. Can you imagine how helpful that photo will be? 

exactly as i expected. Utter bull****

i totally accept that they are trying to ascertain my fitness to drive the vehicle but my problem is having passed  a test to drive a lorry 30 years ago  i now find that regarding my hobby i am in a worse position than if i never held one at all. 

I can however still use my chainsaws, diggers and tractors.

we will still attend shows this year but  arrive on the back of a low loader.



Interesting question

1. If the T is registered as prior to 1960 and is used unladen and towing an unladen trailer then it can be driven on a CAT B licence. If used laden the a vocational licence is required

2. Did you inform the DVLA of your heart problem? If you did they would have suspended your vocational licence and the organised after a period of time a medical examination ( at their cost) to ascertain whether they would give you your licence back. This usually means an ECG treadmill test

3. If your licence is returned it will probably only be for three years before another medical

4. If you didn't tell the DVLA then unfortunately you have technically broken the law



Hi John,  i totally agree, call me daft if you like but i get a buzz out of driving big trucks, always have. Dad was a driver for as long as i can remember so i suppose its in the blood .  My TIA was serious at the time but i seem to have been very lucky. I dont appear to have any lasting after effects, other than my annual income will be £15,000 light this Year.

why is it when you try and be honest it always seems to come round and kick you where it hurts?

i should have said nothing.

Hi Brooky. The situation regarding licensing on pre 1960 vehicles is something we obviously agree on but trying to get the school leaver at DVLA to understand the rules which their employer put in place donkeys years ago , is vitually impossible.

I have had a mini stroke, not a heart attack, so the inital license suspension period is 12 months, of which 3 have already passed. 

The stupid thing is that i now have my wife as a named driver on the T as she can drive the thing on her B License, whereas i cant do the same on mine.

she will only drive around the arena with me sat beside her.

rules are rules, frustration is frustration, 


Some people naturally play by the rules and others do not know what rules are. Every day is precious, free speech is not dead and nature rules. I have no isues with the DVLA, they I think they treated me fairly and did try to give me the benefit of the doubt. All one can do is live by the rules one sets oneself, you know right from wrong, It is instinct. Makes you mad sometimes but thats life. At least we got up this morning.


Hi John,  . Wise words indeed.

i dont disagree with the rules, i just dont see the logic behind it.



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