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Hello from Sunny South Wales !! *winks*

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Hello there,

i hope you will bare with me my friends as i have parkinsons disease, was diagnosed at the age of 32 , im now at the grand ole age of 53 lol so im well into my illness, ive joined this site because i have interest in the Tank Transporter, my dad drove them during world war 2 where he was a Driver / Mechanic. He started driving them in late 1942 i believe when he was posted to burma with his newly posted regiment the 590 Tank Transporter Company of which they were attached to the 255 indian tank brigade who were with the 14th army......so ive been tying to find out more about his war activities, sending for his war records firstly then his regiment diaries, im now going deeper and trying to find out what tank transporters he drove , were they difficult to drive, where they were driven, did he see alot of action , me , my sis, and my bro are under the impression of my fathers thoughts and actions , that he was a pow of the japs altho we cant find any info in proving this, even tried the red cross archives without much luck, my dad very rarely spoke about anything about his war exploits, because it wud often break down in tears at the slightest thought, the only info he told my mother along time ago, was that he was captured and put into bamboo made cages , 90% under water, suffering badly with loads of diseaese as malaria, dysentry, beri beri etc etc and beaten badly if no respect was shown ,so we all think he must have been held by the japs at some point, i know this is mostly a military vehicle website of great knowledge . Im here hoping we can find some of his vehicle info and hopefully the rest might follow on...............think hi transporter regiment were mostly Diamond T ........?? my father also drove dispatch motorcycles which were with the trucks, either Royal Enfields ?? or maybe the Norton 500 ??.......since dad joined the army in june 1938 before the war started he was learnt to drive every vehicle possible and was given a driver /mechanic A1 distinction degree plus a PT Instructor pass & a exemplary motorcyclist ...........Any help or info would be greatly recieved, thanks very much for excepting me to your group oh and i remember dad having a transporter workshop manual which he brought home with him, think its up the attic, abit tattered and battered but cud be of some help if i can find it hahaha

thanks again for your time

please take care & be safe !!

Welshy aka Hugh

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iopps i forgot ive got a few photos if anyones interested of dad when he was out in burma, india, or maybe north africa ?? tanks i beleive to be valentines with operation crusader codes on turret ??, diamond T Transporters, pith helmets and more lol 7 photos in all. please let me know then i will post them here. thanks again !!

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