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Clansman DMU


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I will either fit 2 X 353 or one 353 plus DMU into my Saracen as I have these units (yes, I know probably not totally original). If I fit the DMU then really I would like it to be complete hence need what I believe is called the BID 250 unit. Is it unrealistic to think I can get hold of one of these?

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I will either fit 2 X 353 or one 353 plus DMU into my Saracen as I have these units (yes, I know probably not totally original). If I fit the DMU then really I would like it to be complete hence need what I believe is called the BID 250 unit. Is it unrealistic to think I can get hold of one of these?


It is not unreasonable to think you might get hold of a BID250, but what this is is actually a scrambled radio (TOP SECRET in its day), used by unit (regiment, battalion, etc) to talk in clear upstream to Formation (Brigade, Division, etc). We had BID150 based on a C42 in my day (with Larkspur and until the 250 replacement to use with Clansman became available). One of my hats being Regimental Signals Storeman I can tell you that there were iirc seven BID sets in an Armoured Recce Regiment (similar figures around the other battlegroups):





Med Recce Sqn 1 ACV A

Med Recce Sqn 1 ACV B

Med Recce Sqn 2 ACV A

Med Recce Sqn 2 ACV B


Whereas the number of UK/VRC353s probably reached close to 100 per unit. (initially: after I moved on they realised that two times 353 was overkill in a CVR(T) and the fit was amended to be one time 353 and one times 351/2).

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There are quite a few BID 250 simulators around in the surplus market (I had and sold two in their DMUs) but no real BIDs to my knowledge. The simulator provides the analogue/digital conversion and can modulate a radio so making the BID/353 pair usable on air but does not encrypt (or has a fixed well known key - I never got round to figuring out the circuit in that much detail). It was intended for training and diagnostic use and I am fairly sure they will turn up on the usual auction site from time to time !





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