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From a member in Iraq..


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Guys just thought you may be interested in reading the below from a friend and follow member of HMVF.


He is in Iraq....and he better take care of himself.


Well Jack...


It is hot, dangerous (I have been at the recieveing end of over 50 mortar and rocket attacks since I have been in theatre) It is exciting though.


Last night i was at an air drop in Maysaan on the Iran Iraq boarder doing a counter smuggling operation. You may see me on Channel five news or Sky over the next week (should be Monday).


I am one of the Media Operations officers and am responsible for escorting the Media in theatre and taking care of their close protection.


Here are some photos of what i have been up to...


I have hosted Kate Silverton - News 24

Martin Bell, ABC News, Channel 5, Sky News, BBC Bagdad, AFP, Press Association, The Daily Record... The list goes on.


I have also seen a gap in the market for a dedicated kit service for the Press. They have some gash body armour and gear and get some from an agency but there is no dedicated all in one service for overseas and warzone kit hire...


What do you think?



width=640 height=330http://i18.photobucket.com/albums/b107/richmorris/LR1.jpg[/img]

width=640 height=480http://i18.photobucket.com/albums/b107/richmorris/heli.jpg[/img]

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I presume he had our bloke from the Sun and Andy McNab with him recently. We usually have helmets and body armour in store here - not loads, but typical stuff. I don't know how often they replace it. But I noted from the snaps that the body armour they used was not civvy media stuff in blue all the time. I'll have to ask our bloke.

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