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Ok Own up, Who nicked the FFR from SP Training Area


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The local TV channel said the Rover with radios was worth £68k then illustrated the point by showing a picture of a Series 2 with a white roof.


There are to be a large number of MOD PLOD cuts such that there will be none to cover SPTA, so unlikely to halt the crime wave then.

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Reading the BBC report, some of the thefts are from regular unit barracks. I would have been surprised at this a few weeks ago, how were they allowed to get out of the main gate? Wouldn't have happened back in my day, etc......


But a recent visit to Brompton Barracks, Chatham quite stunned me by the lack of security at what is supposed to be the Headquarter of the Royal Engineers.


There was 2 MOD Plod in the gatehouse and another stood outside. Pedestrians and vehicles appeared to come and go as they pleased. For myself, (far too old to even look like I might be in the Army) driving my grubby, dodgy looking toyota pick up, was allowed straight in, I parked on the square while I went to the Sapper shop, went for a little drive round camp to bring back a few memories and back out the gate without any questions, checking or anything!


If that is now the general standard for camp security hardly surprising stuff is disappearing. Sounds like they need to bring back boot and bonnet checking!

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