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Lady Tank Driving T54/55 and special guest an Abbot FV433 SPG


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Wow - that looks like the place where I got my first taste of military vehicles! They did corporate driving days. I've no idea where it was as we were all bussed there from Ipswich.


I absolutely fell for the Abbott gun carrier - vivid memories of hurtling off at some rate of knots while the chap yelled "yeeeehah this girl can drive a tank" having been very (and vocally) frustrated about a bunch of my colleagues going too slowly and then having trouble steering with not enough power applied.


It was the first vehicle I'd ever really driven, and was way before I got car driving lessons. Start as you mean to go on, I've always said ;)

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Ah OK - I've not seen that before - thanks for the heads up! I'll look for that in the future :) That makes sense with the NBC stuff.


Is the glacis hole thing a good way of differentiating T54 from T55? I'm wondering if I was seeing things on the video (possibly a bit of muck) or if it's a misunderstanding and it's present on some versions of both.


Looking at the shadow I thought was a hole with fresh eyes it could be a bit of muck and it's a bit far up.

Edited by Lauren Child
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I was just thinking how far the heath and safety stuff has got involved these days.


That's not necessarily a bad thing, but remembering having a go on those you can see the pylon in the background that we did a circuit around before heading back, and the wooden crate under the barrell of the Abbott which your team mates sat on while you bumped and bounded around the field.


Not sure you'd get away with that these days, but it made for some interesting times.

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