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more ideas please


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Berni, thanks for the hair style suggestion, it looks great but my hair isnt long enough. but it looks ok for Bridie.


Has anyone heard any news from Michelle or Helen, perhaps they are frightend to come into the ladies room!


I am still looking for ideas and i need some pics please.



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Hi Maddie.


If he hasn't already got it tell your dad he needs to but "Shooting the war in colour 41-45 US to ETO" by Jon Gawne.it has a section on US Woman in uniform which might help.for clothing and kit just keep looking on ebay,both UK and US.remember that many post war uniforms can be adapted to look like WW2 originals but they are generally much cheeper.


Another thing to look at would be Womans Land Army.


Hope this helps.



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  • 3 weeks later...

Matt thanks for the advice. We were already looking at e-bay and dads "on to" some kit for me. The Womens Land Army was my Ist choice but sizes are well,..... a little tight for the modern girl! and repro is very expensive, and appears hard to find.


However I now HAVE a set, and its GREAT.


In the mean time we've been able to find a cheap Factory Workers outfit, thats going to be great for informal day wear.


I'm still hoping to get a formal outfit, but I'm just unsure of what at the moment. I was hoping some of the other lady members could post pictures of their outfits, F.A.N.Y. WRAC or ATS. Lloyd can you help here?



Anyway here goes:



Standby for BIG LAUGH:












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Hi Maddie

To make a Land Army hat buy a Gurkha hat (they are quite common), take off the band and unpick the stitching around the brim. they are double thickness so you will then have 2 hats. If they are on the small side because they are made of felt if you soak them they will stretch quite easily,of course you need to keep them stretched until they are dry or they wiill shrink again.






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Hi Maddie,


Looks like you're getting there! for formal dress uniform I'd still suggest you look at post war stuff,mainly because it's easier to get,cheeper and (this applys to mens and womans uniforms) easier to wear as the WW2 100% wool uniforms are quite heavy and tend to itch (this is why many US enlisted men wore officers shirts with a lined collar).


There are several surplus dealers who have recient issue RAF and Army womans uniforms,I will find some numbers and post them here.with the post war RAF uniforms the blue is slightly different to wartime but it's not that great,only by putting a wartime and post war tunic alongside can you tell.





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here are a couple of my dresses on display at an older folks complex .

the uniforms are out of shot sadly.



I like to wear the day dresses or an over the head apron with a head scarf & have been known to carry a basket around with my ration shopping in it. Many women wear uniform or posh dresses with the fur & hat so I like to be a bit different.

Most women during the war only wore a best dress for church/weddings & as make up was in short supply the red lippy would not have been worn during the day while they were doing house work/ shopping so a very simple look was more commomly seen during that time.



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Hi Bernie, the US sailors blues that are hanging up there, are they yours?

If so , is there a label under the apron on the shoulders at the rear?

Just curious as to what it says as its a bit ,of a thing of mine navy gear.






P.S Nice bucket and wash stand

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I'll have to get in the garage & have a look as all the clothes/uniforms are in suit bags with lavender moth balls hanging up for the winter.

I'll try to get in there in the next couple of days for you. It is extremelly small & fitted my youngest when she was 12 . she is a size 10 now & can't get it on :!: :!:



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NAME rich 66

SERVICE NO 523-45-688?



CONTRACT NO : DLA100-80-C-2622

STOCK NO: 8405-01-076-1916




hope that is useful.

I'll practise being a contortionist & try & put it all back away now :lol:



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