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Comet based Concept "Corinthian"


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Hello all I have been carrying out research at the Tank Museum and in an old magazine/book article was a grainy picture of a Comet chassis fitted with a new concept turret. The article was about anti tank missiles and was written about the same time the M60A1E1 Shillelegh and the MBT-70 was in use.


The turret is clearly a fabricated set up and has a very similar shape to the MBT-70 with a rounded front end and a long turret bustle. In the centre front is a 76mm gun. Its very likely this was taken from the Scorpion then in service at the time. Either side on the sides of the turret are two missile launching tubes similar to the M60 design.


The chassis looks unaltered save for the front end that is completely covered in a camouflage net. I'm guessing that this is an attempt


I believe that this was a british concept so I hope that some body using this site would recall it, any ideas?

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