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hello from Woodhall spa lincolnshire

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img001.jpghello everyone my name is Stuart and sadly i dont own a green vehicle yet but have driven plenty during my stint as a driver in the RCT. My dream is to own one or all of the following a ww2 bedford MW, AEC Matador, bedford QL and a Leyland Martian. I have big dreams and a small bank ballance, if only someone from Zimbabwe would e-mail me so i could send them my bank details:D. Hopefully i will realise my dream fairly soon before i get too old. I will post some pics of vehicles i came across in my travels ( when i scan them into my comp ).Iam currentley organising a vehicle rally for a 40's event in the village this year and have over 20 old cars and bikes coming but military vehicles are a bit thin on the ground because it sadly clashes with war and peace, if your local and want to come along just let me know, in the meantime i will dig out the old photos :)

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hello everyone my name is Stuart and sadly i dont own a green vehicle yet but have driven plenty during my stint as a driver in the RCT. My dream is to own one or all of the following a ww2 bedford MW, AEC Matador, bedford QL and a Leyland Martian. I have big dreams and a small bank ballance, if only someone from Zimbabwe would e-mail me so i could send them my bank details:D. Hopefully i will realise my dream fairly soon before i get too old. I will post some pics of vehicles i came across in my travels ( when i scan them into my comp ).Iam currentley organising a vehicle rally for a 40's event in the village this year and have over 20 old cars and bikes coming but military vehicles are a bit thin on the ground because it sadly clashes with war and peace, if your local and want to come along just let me know, in the meantime i will dig out the old photos :)


Hello Stuart, is that going to be on the first day of the 1940s Weekend (Saturday 21st July)? I only live just down the road & was wondering which day to attend (spectator only, sadly - best I could offer would be a 1965 Riley One-Point-Five, but that's up on blocks at the moment, in any case...), although I'll probably end up popping in on both days, if I'm honest :)



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yes that is a terex on the back of the merc (2644). it was my merc that i drove firstly in germany as a replacement for the ageing scammell crusaders. we then got special permission to take them to Bosnia from the lease company (Ryder) which was providing the mercs on a long term lease all vehicles on the lease had LV in their reg numbers. The roads in bosnia were narrow and in most places just mud and most of the bridges had been blown up and replaced with timber.

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