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9x9 tent water proofing help



Having finally acquired a canvas 9x9 tent for the 2011 season i set about proofing it before season started


I discovered good old mesowax is now no longer available so opted for 5litres of Fabsil by grangers -

All seemed good until first rain at show and found several places on the roof where the water seeped through! - it just seems that in places the fabsil just didnt take .


I was advised by fellow show goers that best practice was to make up a very mild solution of warm water, fairy liquid (or detergent) and some(v small amount of) bleach and give the canvas a good old scrub with a stiff brush then re proof it with fabsil

Now before i embark on this and spend money on the fabsil can any one advise me

- does this sound the best method ?

-can any one suggest any other tips regards prepping the canvas?

- is fabsil the best proofer to use or is there better stuff out there? happy to spend the money if its goig to keep me dry:D


Many thanks

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I, and seemingly a good many more people on the forum, use "Thompsons Brick Seal" . Cheap as chips from the supermarket, and its always worked well for me. (In gallon cans) I apply the stuff when the tent is up and dry, only the roof is a problem, even if the sides leak it will not drip all over you and your bed.

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I agree with Ray re Thompsons. Get a cheap pump sprayer, apply one coat, leave to dry, apply 2nd coat (requires less fluid). Canvas previously leaking like a sieve bone dry after treatment.

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Regarding Thompsons Water Seal this used to be thick stuff like wall paper paste - and it worded a treat on canvas. But when it ran out I went to buy some more only to find the 'new improved version' was like watered down white PVA glue and it was no use at all. Also the tin no longer mentioned canvas!


I've been on the hunt for the original Thompsons that some say is still produced but every tim I find of Thompsons is the new version.


Any help finding the original or an alternative greatly appreciated, as I've looked in B&Q, Wicks and HomeBase, Halls and Jewsons in London area without luck.

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Just to update you


At the start of the 2012 season


I scrubbed my 9x9 with a v mild mixture of bleach and detergent , dilutedin warm water - let it dry


Then brushed on screwfix's own brand "no nonsense" water seal (£14.99 for 5 litres) was enough to do two coats on the roof


Let it dry


As you knw we had a very rainy and wet season and the tent stayed dry

defo a good method to reproof your canvas's

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Old canvas, after being in store for a long time, will almost always leak like a sieve. I think it is due to the fibres drying out and shrinking, opening up gaps in the weave.



Once wetted and allowed to dry the fibres retain a small amount of moisture and and swell so the weave tightens up and closes the gaps.



We got our hands on some small tents last year which leaked like fury the first time out in the rain but were fine after that even in monsoon conditions. The next tent piece we got was washed down with a garden hose before we used it and it was fine in torrential rain.


Next year all the tents will get a wash at the start of the year...

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