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Tales from a Big Shed


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Those welds are there to stop any distortion in the first place. The box that forms the step has a flange all the way round the bottom edge so it is a case of using that flange to keep everything nice and flat. As the flange is quite narrow and the welder turned up very hot they actually burn into the flange - from the outside it looks just like the original spot weld and more than strong enough for the job.

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  • 2 months later...

Its been a while - but in my defence I have been a tad busy. But today saw Antar No 1 dragged out and pointed in the directction of the sandblasters.


I have made most of the cosmetic (if you can use such a word) panels now, mudguards and so on, then stripped them all of again so that the Antar can get blasted and primed in its underpants. I will then be putting all the tinwork back on over the next few weeks.


Luckily grandaughter was on hand to do a little filming, and the result (please forgive the shaky bits - she is only 9) is here




Oh and obviously when that Antar is done, the other one takes its place in the Big Shed...


The crawler by the way is an ex military 1941 Allis Chalmers Model M, one of a pair that followed me home one day.

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Its been a while - but in my defence I have been a tad busy. But today saw Antar No 1 dragged out and pointed in the directction of the sandblasters.


I have made most of the cosmetic (if you can use such a word) panels now, mudguards and so on, then stripped them all of again so that the Antar can get blasted and primed in its underpants. I will then be putting all the tinwork back on over the next few weeks.


Luckily grandaughter was on hand to do a little filming, and the result (please forgive the shaky bits - she is only 9) is here




Oh and obviously when that Antar is done, the other one takes its place in the Big Shed...


The crawler by the way is an ex military 1941 Allis Chalmers Model M, one of a pair that followed me home one day.


What a team!

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  • 3 weeks later...

Well the Antar got its blasting done - pretty much back to bare metal everywhere so the race was on to beat the rain and get a few gallons of primer on.


There are some good pictures in the last few of this sequence




and since then the thing has started to take shape (sadly at the expense of everything else except a couple of fuel tanks and a Bedford windscreen) but its a big blighter and I only have the one pair of hands...


anyway all the piccies are here








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  • 3 weeks later...

Although Tilly tanks and Humber timber have featured on the "to do" list this month in The Big Shed the main effort has been the Leconfield Antar. Progress is steady but encouraging - a good job as they want it back very soon to put on display and I have a second Mk3a booked in for similar work.


Heres a few piccies - the rest are at http://s484.photobucket.com/albums/rr206/RustyTrucks/Antar%20Mk%203/









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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...
  • 2 months later...

Something a little - er - little now, making a change from Antars, and its a tidy little Tilly, this one a Standard, which came in for a few jobs but ended up with a completely reconditioned engine.


The full story is here http://rustytrucks.tripod.com/id38.html


and there are loads more pictures here..http://s484.photobucket.com/albums/rr206/RustyTrucks/Standard%20Tilly/


but here are some pictures to whet your appetite. Oh and that fuel tank by the way has been subjected to my special fuel tank cleaning system which should guarantee clean fuel for years to come....







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  • 5 months later...

It already has the blower - but on the LH side. As for the stacks I just thought a couple of big steel pipes in a rude V shape up the back. Oh - hang on - thats how they were for real!


Actually it sounds damm fine on open pipes. You need to watch out though as the seat box isnt bolted down at the moment so enthusiastic use of the clutch merely results in the seat going backwards.


I must get a pic of it now I have got the bonnet back on. If it had been April I would be posting "Airportable Antar Found"

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