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S3 Landie....

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Looking good, sticking with the older style weights looks better on these vehicles in my opinion as that is what they should have, and it's easier to spot if you loose one.


Thanks :) May get a brush out and give them a light coat of NATO green paint, can't see it will affect the weights that much......

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  • 1 month later...

Well - back to the drawing board/square 1 engine wise :cry:


Headed down to Hampshire on Sunday to collect a Sankey trailer for a friend and all went well till about 10 mins from the destination. Was happily humming along at 50 approaching J9 of the M3 when the NSF tyre decided to blow.... Soon as I heard the clunking I pulled on to the hard should by the 300 yard marker and changed the wheel. However - when I went to pull away the engine was iffy to start and seemed to be a little rough once started. But it pulled away OK so off I went - BUT - by the time I'd travelled the 300 yards onto the slip road the power loss was noticeable and getting worse. So much so that I barely made the top of the grade onto the roundabout and then took 3 or 4 light changes to actually got around on to the exit (1st one luckily) that I needed. In the process I picked up an escort form the police who were very friendly and helpful once the realised the situation. They carried one once I had turned off onto a side road and was crawling along in low range. Unfortunately the side road turned into a hill and things got worse quickly to the point where it just cut out - fortunately in the entrance to a sewage works so I was off the road. Popped the bonnet and had a nose once I'd got the engine to restart and idle - sort of. All looked and sounded sort of OK till I moved the throttle linkage by hand - then I heard funny noises coming from the air cleaner. So I pulled off the flexi-hose and put my hand over it. At idle there was a strong suction as might be expected - but - when the throttle was moved that turned abruptly into a strong pressure that pushed my hand off the pipe. I am thinking valve problems again.

When the RAC turned up the guy took the rocker cover off to make sure the valve gear was OK and according to him all was in order - no raised stems indicating a broken valve or jumped push-rods so he thought perhaps a burnt out valve??

Either way the vehicle was immobile so had to be recovered home.


Which is where the next set of fun started because by then the Sankey was on the back, the break down truck could not hook the Sankey up so a second truck had to be called out to recover the trailer. Whilst loading it on to the recovery bed it made an escape bid with resulting damage to me, both the recovery drivers and the brand new truck with the Landie on the back

Truly a god-awful day!!!:cry: :cry:

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Well, that is a bit of you know what, reminds me of my old, dying Sunbeam.


I just had a look back at your rebuild - do you think there is a chance the gasket became misaligned or was damaged before it was torqued down properly? If you have some old cylinder head studs, you could lop the heads off and cut a slot in them and use them as guides to keep the gasket in place while you drop the head on.



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Yes Richard - I put a steel rule across the face and tried both a bright light and feeler gauges. Did the same to the head and both looked OK to me. I have a spare engine with knackered main bearings so if it comes to it I can get it machined as required and rebuild this as a short engine. I hope the answer is a bit simpler though as money is beyond tight.


Sent from my GT-I9505 using Tapatalk

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 2 months later...
Good stuff :)


Thanks :D


Now the not so good news - the new compression tester arrived today to replace the one that seems to have gone AWOL. Removed all 4 plugs and ran the tests and found the source of the problem:

Cyl #1 - 70 psi

Cyl #2 - 70 psi

Cyl #3 - 0 psi

Cyl #4 - 0 psi



So it looks like the head has to come off again - bl**dy awful job to do solo but alas no choice. I''m guessing now that its either the valves, the pistons or the head gasket again. And I will be soo annoyed (yet financially pleased) if it is just the head gasket as that was replaced middle of last year.

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Fingers crossed for you and I hope it is the head gasket.

IIRC you said you initially drove it and had an issue which was resolver by retorquing the head as it was loose.

This may well have damaged the gasket and it hence failed. Although would expect a bit more than .



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Fingers crossed for you and I hope it is the head gasket.

IIRC you said you initially drove it and had an issue which was resolver by retorquing the head as it was loose.

This may well have damaged the gasket and it hence failed. Although would expect a bit more than .





Not quite Mike - had the head gasket blow between #3 and #4 last year - sounded like a blowing exhaust but she still ran OK. Hence in part my confusion now as if it had gone there again I would have expected the same result - loud banging but still driveable! However now it is undriveable with only 2 of the 4 cylinders working.

As soon as the weather clears again I wll have the rocker cover off (got to be removed to get the head off anyway) and rotate the engine by hand and watch the valve operation to see if maybe the valves have stuck open. But whatever the issue is I am fairly certain it will need to come off and go in for some remedial work... :cry: :cry:


Incidentally - do you have any idea what the normal compression reading should be for a 3 bearing 2,25 lump?? The 70 psi I got on the front two cylinders seems a bit low to me - I was expecting at least around 100 psi....

Edited by ArtistsRifles
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Incidentally - do you have any idea what the normal compression reading should be for a 3 bearing 2,25 lump?? The 70 psi I got on the front two cylinders seems a bit low to me - I was expecting at least around 100 psi....


Well according to one of my manuals, does not say 3mb or 5mbso assume they are the same.


7:1 comp head = 145

8:1 comp head= 160


both should be at 300 rpm

But looks like you are well out on all



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Not quite Mike - had the head gasket blow between #3 and #4 last year - sounded like a blowing exhaust but she still ran OK. Hence in part my confusion now as if it had gone there again I would have expected the same result - loud banging but still driveable! However now it is undriveable with only 2 of the 4 cylinders working.

As soon as the weather clears again I wll have the rocker cover off (got to be removed to get the head off anyway) and rotate the engine by hand and watch the valve operation to see if maybe the valves have stuck open. But whatever the issue is I am fairly certain it will need to come off and go in for some remedial work... :cry: :cry:


Incidentally - do you have any idea what the normal compression reading should be for a 3 bearing 2,25 lump?? The 70 psi I got on the front two cylinders seems a bit low to me - I was expecting at least around 100 psi....



Do you have the throttle wide open and choke off when spinning the engine over?

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