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D2 Caterpillar is done and ready for Ponderosa

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We have had a photo blight of the restoration, i don't know why, probably too busy trying to get her ready for the ball, but thought you might like to see some pictures of the D2 with her make up on at last...









Could well be Adrian. I have not done much research on this one. She arrived about 8 weeks ago, and was put back together with the bits i had.

I will have some before pictures somehwere, will dig them out.

Now, to get the M14 completed as well......


|Rubbish before pictures....



Does the chap on the back of the telle handler make all the difference to it tipping up with the weight of the Cat on the front..


It did, we actually had two heavy weights on the back. It was right on the limit using that to get her out of the container but we had no other option at the time.


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