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Allies First KingTiger Encounter


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I know that the British Army first encountered the KingTiger in Europe (presume Normandy), but what I haven't got a handle on it how well briefed our Tankers and AT people were on this vehicle. We had first hand dealings with Tiger 1 from North Africa and Italy, but was the KingTiger well known among our troups, with an entry in the ID references etc. when they arrived in Normandy? Whatever the case, can anyone recomend a book which details the first encounters with KingTigers in Normandy. There was an account in Ian Dalglish's book 'Goodwood', but one got the impression that the british Tankers were not that surprised, thus I presume they had already encountered them.

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Correct me if I am wrong,

the porshe turreted tiger 2 at bovington was 1 of a number of vehicles captured at the henschel test facility at Hustenbeck along with another Porshe turreted tiger 2 with a blown 8.8cm gun the protype Sfl Grille a tiger component 17cm SPG chassis and a Jagtiger. Elsewhere on this site were the prototype E100, an early Tiger 1 and runner VK3001(H) or Vk3601(H).


The facility was captured by the US Army in late April 1945 -they are known to have played with 1 of the Tiger 2 and Jagdtiger. The facility being in the British occupation zone was subsequently handed to the British and certainly 1 porsche turreted tiger 2, the JagdTiger, Grille and E100 were returned to Britain for tests -where Grille and E100 were scrapped- it is said E100 was last seen at Pounds or another south coast naval scrap yard. The Early tiger was heavily tested, especially its submersible capablity but I am unsure whether these tests took place in UK or Germany.

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ajmac Allies First KingTiger Encounter

I know that the British Army first encountered the KingTiger in Europe (presume Normandy), but what I haven't got a handle on it how well briefed our Tankers and AT people were on this vehicle.

There were Kingtigers (porshe turreted) in HQ Batalion and Company 1 of 503 at normandy but did not engage, most being neutralised by bombing. Most British tank units that had not served in Italy prior to service at Normandy seem to be blissfully unware of superior German -although quite a number of old timers reckoned the defeat in the west in 1940 had been down to superior German equipment.


Tanks such as Tiger and Panther had been analized by british intelligence during 1943 -certainly the British had full access to eraly Panthers captured by the Soviets at Kursk and possibly one had been handed to the British in the fall of 1943 along with other tanks which one may have been the highly secret Pz38(t):wow: -already evaluated by the British in 1939.


Intelligence doesn't seem to have filtered down to tank troop level in addition the the Goodwood book -Peter Beale book on the 9th RTR mentions that troopers were visibly shaken by the first sight of a recovered Tiger 1.

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...Tanks such as Tiger and Panther had been analized by british intelligence during 1943 ...


Analysed, I hope...


How good was the communication to front line troops of research discoveries / experiments with captured AFVs? As you say, Steve, often the discoveries don't seem to have been passed on to those who needed to know...

Edited by Sean N
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(French text)


There's also the Porsche-turreted version famous from these photos.


Figures in this month's CMV, along with Bov's two examples & their history ("Henschell turreted variant covered in first link)

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