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Day off


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I have finished my latest uni assignment 2 days early, I am assuming that the cubemiester will treat me to breakfast in bed and the cubelets are going to be on their bestest behaviour all day so I can enjoy Mothering Sunday tomorrow.


Please allow me to wish all the mums who may peer over your shoulders whilst you are surfing the HMVF a very happy and restful day!!!!

Dont forget to treat them, phone them or remember them tomorrow, as we do put up with a lot from you lot!!!!!! :D:D:D:D

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Well said Rosie...


Mothers day is special for a reason...Mum's dont get the recognition they deserve for the majority of the year so on Mothers day we should make it as special as we possibly can for the special person who is our Mother.


To all Mothers out there...Happy Mothers Day !



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