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It's Amazing who you bump into some times?


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Tonight after leaving my local co-operatives store with a bottle of vino I bumped into the platoon sergeant from my basic training days.


He is now living less than 2 miles from where I live. He has since left the regs and has a new business that involves AT.


Funny that as he was the swine that introduced us to change parades!


Cracking bloke though and seeing him made my day. He did still call me a 'Rupert' though!


Anyone else had a similar meeting with ex-MOD staff from training courses.


Happy Days!


Regards ;)

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About 15 years ago I was awarded the wilkinson sword, as I did not go to the MVT agm the handover was at the local meeting at Northamton TA centre. I was given the sword by the CSM who was a lance corperal in my platoon in 4 Fd Wksp in Germany about 1974.

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