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CVR(T) Spartan engine replacement

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Not withstanding any changes of mind, it looks as if we are going to put a running engine into a Spartan.


This job will have to be fitted in around amongst other things, putting the transmission back in our BV206 as the tranny is back.


The tale starts with the engine grenading late one night about 3 years ago or so.


The vehicle has languished in storage but now the decision has been taken to remove the offending lump and put in an engine that we know runs.


As I start to get ready mentally and physically to do this, im wondering what else I should be thinking about doing at the same time or problems that I may encounter.


Also while we are on the subject does anyone know anything about a rev limiting fuse and where it is located anand where can they be bought from.


I will post a picture of the vehicle in the next post.



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It's not a hard job, you should be able to get them swapped over in a day. The oil pipes and water hose from the heat exchanger to the bulkhead need to be fitted to the replacement engine before fitting as you can't fit them once it's in. I usually cable tie the oil hose to the engine near the carb to keep it out of the way before fitting, it also helps to have them all lined up in the right place so they don't get trapped between the sump and the hull. The hardest job is getting the bolt in the back corner near the exhaust back in afterwards.


The fuse should be fitted on a bracket near the coil, I think it's a standard fuse, but most of my engines haven't got one fitted.


Do you still need a master switch box?



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