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Market Garden day 3


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The third day of Market Garden starts well, after the 101st Airbornes captured Eindhoven yesterday and XXXcorps linked up with them they were forced to halt and repair the Son bridge. By now the first tanks have crossed the repaired bridge and are well on their way to Grave to link up with the 82nd Airborne. The 101st Airborne tried to take the town of Best (to the west of Son) and is sucked into a battled that started went from a company sized attack to a regiment size attack. The outcome is still in doubt although the bridge (initial objective) has been blown by the Germans yesterday at noon.


In Nijmegen there is little good news, the road and rail bridges are still in german hands after costly attacks by the brave men from the 82nd Airborne. Also the germans had to be forced of the dropzones where the second lift arrived yesterday, taking valuable reserves from the attack on the bridge. The hope is that with the combined power of the 82nd Airborne and XXXcorps the bridges will soon be in Allied hands.


In Arnhem it gets only worse. Yesterday the second lift arrived hours late which gave them very few hours to actually do anything except land and regroup and thus giving the Germans even more time to bring in reinforcements. Also part of the second lift had to land in a raging battle causing extra casualties. The 1st and 3rd para battalion tried to get to the Arnhem bridge and reinforce the 2nd para battalion but failed to get through the german defence lines between Arnhem and Oosterbeek. At the bridge the 2nd para destroyed an SS reconissance group that tried to storm over the bridge. This was a great success but the paras spent a lot of ammunition which cannot be replaced.

This morning at 04:30h the last desperate attempt by what remained of 1st and 3rd para, reinforced by the 11th Para and the South Staffords started towards the bridge. After initial succeses, the tide has turned and the attack has stalled. Currently it's unclear if they will be able to break through. Further to the north west the 4th parachute brigade tries to take the supply dropzones but has met stiff resistance.

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