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export license for larkspur radio?

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I have bought items off E-bay from England to the US and have never heard of needing an "export license" for the parts I'm buying. Bought a clansman harness box, and also alot of spare Ferret parts.

I'm looking at getting some Larkspur parts for my C-13 radio in my Ferret. Does the seller need an "export license" to ship to the US because they are considered "Military parts"????




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Radios, especially ones painted green have always been a touchy subject. Dependant on how they are described and dependant on how swift or obtuse the customs examining officer is you may not get them into the country.


Technically anything related to a military vehicle leaving the UK needs an export licence and that must have a full technical dscription of what it is.


To apply for such a licence is a real performance and is very time consuming. A number of the more honest UK parts suppliers will not send items outside the UK because of that. they are somewhat gun shy after the Andrew Jakson circus.


If you can have them described as " sold as is where is not working for display purposes" they might slide out of the UK and into the US ok but be prepared to walk away from them if they get blocked.


Thats our experience



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I think that those radios are obsolete enough not to be considered military radios,

I did my Larkspur RAC Control Signaller AFV Class 1 course at Bovvy in the summer of 78. One evening a bunch of us stuck our heads in and displayed in a cabinet was a C42.


So they were museum pieces whilst still in front-line service in BAOR.


Admittedly it was the very last Larkspur Con Sig course and two years later 3 Armd Div got the new. all-singing, all-dancing Clansman.

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This may help http://www.berr.gov.uk/whatwedo/europeandtrade/strategic-export-control/beginners-guide/index.html





You will need a licence for ALL destinations (including EU countries) if:


  • your items are on the UK Military List or are the more sensitive items on the EU Dual-Use List.


UK Miltary List attached.

UK Military list..pdf

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