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Greetings one and all,


I've already made a few comments on other topics, but will introduce myself. I've been floating around the MV scene for a good few years, first as a punter, then as what the trade used to call a photojournalist for CMV - but these days I wouldn't be so snooty and I always assume that one day someone is going to tell me the game is up. I had a go as a Duxford volunteer but proved entirely unreliable and have left the MV wing in peace. I've owned an Iltis since 2003 and occasionally get to drive it. At the moment it/she is showering diesel fuel over the streets of Essex. so it/she sits awaiting some explorations as to why this is happening. Not happy. I get along to a few events each year - but Beltring is my main work period. I cannot afford to miss it. My other passion is battlefield touring. I travel a lot around Flanders and northern France and never fail to be moved by the sacrifice of our forefathers. After this year's W&P I'm off to Verdun - if SWMBO says 'yes'. Don't nick too many pages off me, Jack! Happy days

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You must remember i look like I'm covered in s**t half the time when I'm working. Having been shot in the head with a bb gun by a kid in the crowd at Beltring last year and chased by a huge swarm of wasps the year before, I bare my scars. Shame you and the others found it funny. Worse still, James thought it was bloody hilarious. SWMBO peed herself laughing. As I recall I've got some good snaps of you staggering out of a dust cloud or twelve in recent years. Blame it on the Shermans....but not in a bad way - we want more!!! (please).

Good to have you on board. Now get off.

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Hi Snapper.


Good to have to hear and sorry but Vigin Soldiers global domination is now set to continue once you are safely out of he way at Beltring :naughty: seriously though, good to have you here a look forward to an article on tips of how to take good pictures of MV's................ :wink:


Best wishes.

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Yeah, I did write a piece for CMV about almost a year ago about taking pix of MVs, which obviously went down well as I got no feedback whatsoever! But as I dont seem to have the luck of happening across a Dodge turned into a Calvados distillery I have to just stick to what I know, ie the bits on me camera.


As for my equipment - nice of you to compliment me Snapper, but envy is not a nice character trait. Anyway, mine may be bigger than yours, but yours is more shiny. That is, until day one in the dust...


Fingers crossed for a good Beltring so we can all get some practice in!!!


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I'm not so sure some correspondents of this site are overly keen on French antiquities - but the Calvados Dodge was special. Won't see anything like it on our usual show circuit and it was worth it just to get a skinful of cider.


As for my equipment - it is shiny, and i know how most of it works. Which is an improvement on the usual state of affairs. Things can only get better.


I'll see you in a dust cloud next week. Now get off.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Come on then Zoomer / Snapper,


Who are you ? Which photographers are you?


Plus is there any way of getting hold of Andy? The guy who took me out in the landy for the Red Ball Run ?





Part of the Red Ball Express Clubmobile Crew.

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Hi Cara,


I don't know if we are at liberty to say. Snapper - can we tell 'em?


How about a clue... Zoomer was in the landy with you, was definitiely not tall and thin, and almost castrated himself climbing into the front seat, while Snapper was in the other landy wearing sexy shorts... any help?



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The only thing I've let slip is my sanity. I am still trying to work out whether I am the thin one or not. I definitely don't have the short fat hairy legs. Sexy shorts? Have you been on the tomazopan again Zoomer? or is it me? It must be me...



Not sure how you'd get in touch with Andy. Could try through the Imps. But all the Landie crews were Andy that evening. Very confusing. Blame it on the kilts.

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