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Everything posted by Mark

  1. Have you changed yours already to a Pinkie then Neil :whistle:
  2. Just asked him the question Paul, be interesting if he answer's it
  3. Happy Birthday to Simon Stolly today,(BIG 40) have a nice one if you can remember it mate. :whistle:
  4. Yep it works, but no one is there??
  5. Please lets keep that side of discussions away from this open forum, that is not what we are here for. Thank you
  6. Welcome Patrick There is time yet and welcome to the forum.
  7. Is that not an official secret Tony :whistle:
  8. Yes it is a housing estate, the only barracks left is up the top of town by Ringlestone and the library, that is gradually being smallend with more housing as well.
  9. HI ya Mike Welcome to here from over the pond nice of you to join us, would love to see your pics posted as I beleive your universal would be the first for here, so get posting and enjoy.
  10. One of these based in Maidstone I believe ??
  11. I like that PigHArdyFerret very nice, you take care of that now then. ;-)
  12. Hi Ya Steve, you took your time speaking mate :-D
  13. OK chaps and chapesses the poll is now over and the votes counted, results are Polo Shirt Green Baseball Cap We are not going for names to keep the cost down, be back later.
  14. Sounds bloody good well done chaps, but if the public are not to be told about this meet, then is it wise to announce the dates on a public forum??? If this does go ahead then may I suggest that dates are PM'd to everyone who does express an interest. I will be along if work allows :-D
  15. Would not your CO tell you at cadets :?
  16. That would be a nice bit of advertising for here, I wonder if Jack would bail us out :-D Anyway last few hours for anyone who has not voted, the poll ends tonight and then the votes will be counted and verified by an independent adjudicator, this will then hopefully lead onto some sort of clothing for us to wash our MV's with and give away as presents to auntie for all those knitted jumpers over the years. So vote those who haven't please especially oversea's players, we must spread wings.
  17. That is superb, where was that taken then Tim??
  18. Come on Jack, you know you want one :-D
  19. I day left ladies and then it's choice made, anymore for anymore :-D
  20. Why not change Mr and Mrs Pigferret - Hardy, thats posh :-D
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