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Everything posted by Mark

  1. Cheers abn can you corroborate Jacks date of 1944 ??
  2. Thanks for the reply have just gound it and it is 353346128A2 So anyone here tell me what it was originally please you clever people
  3. Hi All Can anyone tell me where the chassis number is located on a Jimmy please, I cannot see it at all?? Thanks
  4. Hi kevin and welcome to the forum, have you nay pics of your arrv if so please start a new post and show.
  5. Just call them orbs like Jack does :whistle:
  6. Could not get a look in, someone hogged all the bandwidth :pfrt:
  7. HI all Post the piccies in here as this thread has already been started http://www.hmvf.co.uk/index.php?option=com_smf&Itemid=38&topic=5541.0;topicseen Thanks muchly :-D
  8. Jack tells me that a sixpence is double a thruppenny bit :dunno:
  9. I hope that hatch did not come down on that kids fingers in No:3 :schocked:
  10. Have you got the link Tony, you know what Paul is like :whistle:
  11. Mark

    Jimmy Axle

    Excuse my ignorance and thanks for the quick reply but what is the difference and which is better and easier to get parts for?
  12. Hi Boys A quick picture off my phone and the question is: Is this a banjo axle or the other type ??
  13. Richard Spoke with Paul last night (lives just down the road from me) and he is going to come round and have a look at my requirements for a loom, so will keep this updated.
  14. Bloody useless these kids :roll:
  15. HI Richard See this link and go for it http://www.hmvf.co.uk/index.php?option=com_smf&Itemid=38&topic=4583.0
  16. I think it is like your pilot light????
  17. Have a look on http://www.M38a1.com there should be one on there. :-D
  18. I think that Russian BAT at W&P counts as well????????
  19. Hi Rick Be prepared for a bit of banter from safariswing, he is hiding his WWII fetish incredibly well for a man of his age :-D
  20. Hi Mark welcome to the forum, you need to talk to Paul or Hardyferret about your choices.
  21. Mark


    Thanks gents reading all the above I do not think it would be viable to change to gas, I probably do a thousand miles a year in an Mv so it would take a long time to recoup the cost. I agrre with the Isuzu, I have a 3.1 Bighorn :whistle: cracking motor and pulls like an ox.
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