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Everything posted by Papav66

  1. Well done, that was a good find and pleased its been saved. If any others turn up needing a good home please let me know.
  2. Unfortunately Tony, Moreton Morrell Hall was burnt down earlier this year, think it was a photocopier that started it, it was completely gutted & they have just spent half a million on scaffolding & is going to take a couple of years to re-build. A real shame as it was a lovely building.
  3. Missile trap/elsan, thats funny Don't need Google when we've got our own Oracle, thanks Clive.
  4. Thanks Neil, interesting to know just how small it was, could find nothing on the web/google. cheers P
  5. Ashdown Camp extends a warm welcome to you to join our post-Christmas road run. Unless there are impassable snowdrifts, we intend to "patrol" along meandering byways, cheat almost certain death through a shallow ford, and risk sniper fire through an eerie wood. For those who experienced our Chill-Out weekend road run this will be a little shorter out of respect for the colder weather. See some of Catweazles's pics here: http://hmvf.co.uk/forumvb/showthread.php?t=9294 Vundercaterer Lt Gen Gill King will furnish survivors with a sumptuous and nourishing mystery broth whipped up from some unopened WW2 food parcels, etc, adorned with a delicious Dessert Rat hard tack biscuit, or similar. Tasty homemade vegetable soup and a doorstep of delicious fresh bread will be offered as an alternative. WARNING- anyone attempting this winding course along curvaceous bi-ways in a large vehicle might be well advised to be prepared for 97-point turns, and carry their own provisions: first little piggy at the trough and all that. Please will you let me know by message or phone if you wish to come; there's no official form on this one. Paul: 0779 159 1528 or msg/pm here. Just so our Vundercaterer knows how many food parcels to break into. Open to MVT members & non-members. LOCATION 10.30HRS, Ashdown Farm, Badsey, Nr. Evesham, WR11 7PA, just off A46. http://maps.google.co.uk/maps?hl=en&q=Ashdown%20Farm%2C%20badsey%22&um=1&ie=UTF-8&sa=N&tab=wl
  6. Roughly what were the dimensions?
  7. Yes Neil, very helpful thanks. We were considering putting it through the hatch of the Stanton shelter but that would make if feel more like a submarine in there, so maybe we could build this mexe-hide or something similar. Would be good if there was a pic to see how the scope is fitted as not quite sure how it would rotate. cheers Paul
  8. The South Mids area have recently purchased a periscope from Malvern, its about 4ft long and the document with it says its a Trials Mexe-hide Periscope, but what is a Mexe-hide? Some sort of bunker? And if any of you have a pic that would be very helpful, cheers Paul
  9. Yes fuel has dropped in price but surely it will rocket up again as the pound has dived against the dollar, so reckon the rollercoaster ride will continue.
  10. Hello and welcome, if you read this article on 'little Maud' you might have a re-think http://hmvf.co.uk/forumvb/showthread.php?t=9983&highlight=maud Or just go to the Doctors and ask for a Walletectomy! Best o luck, Paul
  11. Hello Steve, good to see you on here, I did say you would get a warmer welcome on here, cheers Paul
  12. translated here if that helps: http://translate.google.co.uk/translate?hl=en&sl=de&u=http://www.weasel-club.ch/&sa=X&oi=translate&resnum=4&ct=result&prev=/search%3Fq%3Dweasel%2Bclub%2Bswitzerland%26hl%3Den%26sa%3DG
  13. Well done, but what a long hard slog. And you can update your signature now too!
  14. Hello Dani, Also worth looking at the Alvis Fighting Vehicle Society, Andrew Baker is the contact: http://www.afvsociety.co.uk/ On there you will also see vehicles registered by their members. But if you contact Andrew he might be able to let you know of any vehicles for sale. cheers Paul
  15. Yes, a high speed lead injection would be a good solution, and the Police have arrested several http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/england/lancashire/7729075.stm
  16. Yes, but don't let them know otherwise they will think I'm a right anorak!
  17. What a great place to visit, will try and go when next over there, thanks
  18. Hello & welcome, I did sell a few lightweight parts on ebay to an interesting chap who said he had 17, one of each variant, so is that you? cheers Paul
  19. ok Hanno, thanks for that, was just hoping it was something more interesting. cheers Paul
  20. I received this pic from someone who thought this might be a searchlight trailer but I don't think it is. The wheels and tyres look military, so any ideas what this is please? Location: 200m from what was a searchlight battery near Coventry.
  21. Yes they were due to be put on, sorry it didn't happen. I have seen them working but will remind Bob.
  22. Thats a great looking bike, very cool, & what about the DUKW we can see in the background?
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