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Lauren Child

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Everything posted by Lauren Child

  1. Blimey that's quite a collection I'm sure you'll fit in well around here!
  2. Nice one Bill, What sort of vehicles did you drive?
  3. Good grief that's thick. How much does it weigh? That would be quite something to display. I can see why north2007 wants one
  4. Ah, I hadn't realised Tavern was a type of vehicle. My mind jumped straight to the boozery.
  5. Cool - what sort of project are you thinking about? Any particular period or just something meaty?
  6. I'm not a radio HAM, but before you get to W&P is there anything that needs calibrating or investigating to make sure you are really transmitting on the frequency it says on the dial (and hence not about to get into trouble). Also, you may need to replace capacitors in kit that's getting old, both to make it work properly and avoid any nasty bangs. It's often said that the magic pixies that make elecronics work breath smoke, and they simply can't survive in open air. That is why these things stop working when the component pops and the magic smoke is let out.
  7. Is k-seal (or any other cooling system sealant) OK in non-pressurised cooling systems? I've been wondering if the open air would cause a skin to develop.
  8. It's much more difficult to get your knee down around a roundabout if you do.
  9. I design computer networks and IT solutions with many blinky lights.
  10. There are several different shades of Olive Drab, and there is considerable variety of shade in the supply of those, plus many change colour over time. Off the top of my head, you may be looking at US Olive Drab, British SCC15 olive drab (late war), BS381 Olive Drab (post war), Russian Forest Green, or NATO Green, or any of the other camo colours that are close to olive drab. What is the project/period?
  11. Perhaps those are not speakers. This could be Wernher Von Braun's escort detail trying not to look conspicuous.
  12. Some post offices have a special DVLA booth - if you check where your nearest one is it might save some hassle. I'm not sure if you can use it for a first photocard though. http://www.postoffice.co.uk/uk-driving-licence-photocard-renewal
  13. Is it that armoured bus, made for Maggie Thatcher (I think)?
  14. Not really prestige though.... Is it a Popemobile type of thing?
  15. Hmmm - Thinking about vehicles that spawned a new type. Is it Centurion? Maybe the AVRE for breaching barricades?
  16. Or maybe fire damage re-painted time after time?
  17. Is it an "opposing forces" vehicle, painted to represent different vehicles for exercise?
  18. I missed it but it's repeated on Tuesday night on BBC HD, so I've set it to record
  19. To have had so many different colours, I wonder if it was something like a jerry can or tanker fluid cap that would have been colour coded by it's contents.
  20. Ah OK. Interesting stuff. Looking through the register photo's it looks like the changed setup became standard across the board. An interesting snapshot of history though
  21. I've zoomed in on the tracks so hopefully you can see what I mean. On the upper photo there is a metal bar that connects to the idler, bumps around the drive sprocket, pads on the track, and tongues rather than a solid ridge on the track interior.
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