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Lauren Child

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Everything posted by Lauren Child

  1. The painted white circle for the convoy light (with black numbering for unit serial number) is shown on Vehicle Marking 1943 published 20 Oct 1943. That may not be the first mention, but it is at least an indication of when it had become standard by.
  2. It is lovely to hear that Meteor whine as everything falls into place Good work chaps!
  3. Congratulations! (both to Rosie, and the various recipients of the tattooed brunette's affection). Education is wonderful thing
  4. If they are being unloaded from aircraft you may be thinking of the Clarke CA-1 air portable bulldozer?
  5. Excellent! I'm glad you got it home safe. Now make sure you keep us updated on how you get along How did you go about shipping it in the end?
  6. It looks to me like Professor Poopsnaggle has been up to his old tricks Something went wrong...
  7. I've been using some Wright Tools Sq.Hex sockets for this, and they seem ideal - I took a photo here - http://hmvf.co.uk/forumvb/showthread.php?33835-Tool-Gadget-Review-Wright-Tools-square-hex-sockets
  8. It's not something I've spotted around the place, but there is a lot of storage behind the scenes. There is still a lot of interest on WW1. At the moment there's a lot of concentration on the changes in London which is to re-open in 2014 for the 100th anniversary of the start of the First World War. With that going on, I wouldn't be at all surprised if it was part of the plans.
  9. Upgrade from Motorbike they said. It's easy they said. Damned if I can lean this thing around the corner.
  10. I wonder if the troop layout is to allow sailors past on either side, while the sailors layout implies they are not on duty.
  11. Thanks Clive, this has been really interesting! Now I want to build one
  12. wow! that's incredible! What sort of weight could they lift? It must have been reasonable for the turret. The thought of a hover-tank at 10ft above the ground is pretty awesome - like something out of one of those japanese cartoons.
  13. Blimey So I have to ask, how does it work - are the arms for a wide skirt or is it a directed jet from each each?
  14. I don't think any of those will fit in a normal (ISO) shipping container, but it's a very good point. Above all you need to keep the vehicle going when you get it home, so make sure you have all of the common items, special tools, consumables etc.
  15. Water spray for wetting tracks down? The concrete paint Dulux-mobile?
  16. It looks like the fold out arms (if that's what they are) are proud of the vehicle, so I'm guessing either for stability or the ability to drive the vehicle out. If it's not for removing the turret, is it for removing the whole vehicle from a platform, like railway or low loader? Alternatively, is it to reduce the load on the suspension of a self propelled artillery piece when it fires?
  17. As it says "rebuilt by REME" it's got a known British history, so I'd like to see it restored as a British jeep.
  18. I think the clamp probably comes off - it's not original. :cool2:
  19. That's the size of a shipping container. Possibly a cover for a drops sled?
  20. Three miners in a Sherman driving towards you? Possibly three security guards at a fence stile. A more serious proposition - is it three flares signally fallout? There was a video of similar at Kelvedon Hatch nuclear bunker.
  21. Are you going for one that has the WS38AFV installed as well? That changes the installation with different comms boxes. The WS38 adds an extra set for communication with local infantry (in addition to the WS19's tank-to-tank and tank-to-HQ sets). It connects to the WS19, so you can operate all of them from the same control box. It uses a third antenna. Bothe WS19 and WS38AFV manuals can be found here - http://www.vmarsmanuals.co.uk/archive/files_index.htm
  22. If modern fuel sits for too long it turns into a rather nasty slime that starts to block filters and pipes. Here's some I prepared earlier. Carb cleaner is good stuff, but it's worth adding one of the additives to the fuel to stop it happanning in the first place.
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