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Lauren Child

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Everything posted by Lauren Child

  1. Poking out of the MT-LB with a big grin, yes Now I just need to find someone good with photoshop to lose a few pounds...
  2. No damnit, I said orange, not yellow. Take them back. :evil:
  3. It's £7.50 if you come in a vehicle for the display. The registration form has the T&Cs here - http://www.iwm.org.uk/sites/default/files/public-document/MVSEntryForm.pdf
  4. According to the parts list - fan belt 51-8620 (qty 2) I just ordered a couple of new ones from Mac's http://macsautoparts.com/
  5. There is a standard for internet over carrier pigeon, for those locations where broadband isn't available. RFC 1149 : A Standard for the Transmission of IP Datagrams on Avian Carriers (1 April 1990) http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/IP_over_Avian_Carriers
  6. Keep in mind that email is not 100% reliable and is not always immediate. If it's important then pick up the phone.
  7. I just stumbled on these on ebay that look like the same ones. http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Pair-of-Vintage-Metal-Large-Hinges-Door-Gate-Window-30-7-11-/300755318372
  8. That doesn't look as clean as it normally does when I've been needle gunning. What needles have you got loaded? Chisel tip work well. I can recommend these guys and gals - http://www.trelawnyspt.com/category/126-needle-and-chisel-scalers.aspx
  9. yesterday night - two Bedford OY/OX on a low loader heading eastbound on the M4. Looked very nice
  10. Is there a trick to removing the heads in-situ or do you have to take the engine fully out? It would be a shame to take it all the way out only to find there's no problem. It sounds like a quick peek could give a good heads up on the state of the engine. EDIT: I was having a blonde moment - I just spotted that you can take a panel out each side at the base of the console to gain access to the rear-most head bolts, making an quick peek a lot more do-able.
  11. Just to re-iterate, the heat is normal for the V8 (at least it's the same with my CMP). From what I've heard the WOT runs hotter than the CMP, so the sort of heat you're describing doesn't sound unusual, although it's difficult to compare via email. Building on the fan belt queries, have you checked that the pumps are actually spinning. I've heard a couple of anecdotes about the belt going around slipping across a solid water pump. I note from your PM (hope you don't mind me mentioning) that the radiator never boils over. That's a bit odd as if you fill the radiator then it squirts a pint or so out after a few minutes of idling (gave me a scare when I saw it first). If yours isn't doing that it sounds like water isn't circulating.
  12. It does sound a lot like what mine does. I headed out to change the oil, filter, and run through a full service but I've found thick oil/grease looks to be seeping out of the inlet manifold gasket. Coupled with the gunk in the radiator, and I think I may have bigger problems. At the moment I'm pondering taking the heads and the inlet manifold off to take a look, change the important gaskets and look for problems. Unfortunately at least two of the head studs are obscured by the centre console metalwork and engine out would be a big job that I'm not set up for at the moment. Assuming its the normal "senior" oil filter, FBW-P52 from inlinefilters.co.uk fits. I don't know on the nipple, but the filters are standard for a number of different vehicles so I'd imagine spares will be easy enough to come by. If you get any ideas through other means, please share them - perhaps we can put our heads together!
  13. Wow, I've been wondering about this. My in-laws live not far away. Is there a story behind it, or is it just a cool toy?
  14. That could be it As a heads up - there's one of the squirty cans on ebay at the moment (no connection). http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/VINTAGE-WW2-EX-WD-KAYES-OIL-CAN-BRITISH-ENGINEERS-REME-MILITARY-ARMY-TOOL-/111079006013
  15. I was wondering whether supply via Canada would explain the cans being of similar construction, but like you say probably not.
  16. Just a ponderance, but was the oil supply chain via Canada?
  17. Here's a photo that shows what I meant. I know that the POW can was British but used throughout the Commonwealth countries, but the Canadian 2 gallon cans have a raised lip where other nation's 2 gallon cans don't seem to. I also have a post war British small (quart?) oil can that's made with the same raised edge, so I'm wondering if there was a reason for it. From a feel I'd say the raised edge cans seem rather more flimsy but they seem to have lasted better with less corrosion inside. .
  18. Interesting to see that it's made the same way as the Canadian cans (raised lip around the top). I'll try to take a photo of a Canadian one at the weekend.
  19. There's a local MVT that meets in Huntingdon. It's a good crowd if you can get there. Alas I don't get there that often with work.
  20. Are there any mounting holes on the back to attach it to a bike frame? If not Rob may be onto something.
  21. Of the two, the Ferret is smaller and easier to work on. The BRDM2 is quite complicated in places, which makes it more of a toy, but also more to go wrong, so it depends what floats your boat (did I mention it's amphibious/deep fording). It's more difficult to get into and out of. I've not driven either of them, but if you go the Ferret route make sure you chat to someone who knows about the Ferret two-step.
  22. Welcome along It sounds like you might be local.
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