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Lauren Child

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Everything posted by Lauren Child

  1. The allen key is exactly the same size as a track pin. If you don't have one that fits, saw an old track pin in half and bend it at a right angle.
  2. Mike Starmer's "British Army Colours & Disruptive Camouflage in the United Kingdom, France, and NW Europe 1936-45" is a book you might want to take a look at. It's the only place I know of to find paint chips colour matched to examples of each paint colour (although as others have pointed out on various threads, there was likely considerable variation in the colours). You might also want to take a look at the (black and white) photos in "Dieppe through the lens of the german war photographer" by Hugh G. Henry and Jean Paul Pallaud. You can see two tones of colour in some of the photo's which might tie in with SCC2 / SCC1A camo from the other book. These are photo's of the actual Dieppe vehicles captured immediately after the battle. Sobering stuff.
  3. I just stumbled on this while perusing the interweb. Not sure if it's been posted before. A video called "Tanks show their fire power". The video can be downloaded, so you can save it. http://www.awm.gov.au/collection/F07538/ Some great footage of the Churchill
  4. Part of Day-to-Day operations on the HMVF database?
  5. It was interesting to see. I hadn't realised the floatation screens used inflatable struts. I'd never have though they'd be strong enough.
  6. It translates to modern electronics. It's often said that the little computer people that reside within the microchips breathe magic smoke. When the smoke gets let out they asphyxiate, so the computer stops working. Smoke is often let out by Smoke Emitting Diode's (a close cousin of Light Emitting Diode's or LEDs) in the process of becoming a Friode (the black ones) or Light Emitting Resistor (the reddish ones that are hot to touch). This also supports the theory that lightbulbs suck dark. Dark can be seen entering the environment as smoke at power stations and the like. When the lightbulb is turned on it sucks all the dark away, except that which is caught up on furniture and fixings (called a shadow). This is piped back to the power station in a continuous cycle. Batteries can be used to store dark until they are full, when they cease to function. Candles can prove this - if you light a candle it's quite inefficient as much of the dark is lost back into the environment as smoke, but if you blow it out you can clearly see dark has been pulled into the wick and it's blackened. The same happens with wood. The release of magic smoke (containing dark) normally leads to a greasy smear of dark due to the friction of it leaving. It's this friction that both leaves the smear and causes heat to be generated.
  7. Right, I'm really confused. How does this tie in with lavatories? (well done Wally )
  8. Which channel - is it the D-Day programme on Channel 5?
  9. As I understand it, many crews removed the turret basket because it's a small tank and it got in the way. The tank was designed to have left and right machine guns, hence the nice amount of space left and right of the hull. On many you can see the round covers where the machine guns would have been. That space was then used for radios and stowage. You can see the round covers on this one - http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/b/bf/Stuart_tank_2.JPG
  10. Is this observation posts looking for the infrared/optical transmissions from a while ago? That would make sense for a telecoms-out marker. Or maybe looking for semaphore/aldiss-lamp relays?
  11. Would red be casualty and blue be logistics (reason for non-operational status)?
  12. Is the gap in the marker for a unit marker to go into? This looks like it indicates direction as well as red/blue.
  13. Outgoing/returning missions with/without ammunition?
  14. or does it spin, red/blue used to discern when it's rotating? Maybe wind speed or engine rotation?
  15. Does red and blue represent forward and backward / fore and aft?
  16. Is it travelling very fast (one side is red-shifted) http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Redshift
  17. On a more serious note, if you're on IE and (like me) don't want to change to a different browser, you can always try compatibility mode (click on the "broken page" - looks like a mountain range next to the circular arrow in the address bar at the top of the page), or if that doesn't work one of the other editors click "settings" at the top of the web page, click "general settings" under My Account on the left hand side of the web page scroll down to "Miscellaneous Settings" and you'll see an option for Basic, Standard, or Enhanced editors. Once you've selected a different one, click "Save Changes" [/List] I had big problems with the Enhanced editor, and I've not had any problems since switching to the Basic one (although you don't get nearly as much functionality)
  18. It's probably out of spaces. You need to re-fill it. Spaces run out quickly as they're used more than any other characters. You should order some more vowels while you're at it, and "X"es if you visit those sorts of websites.
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