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Everything posted by Minesweeper

  1. There are a lot more knowledgeable people on this Forum than me - and I am surprised that they have not joined in yet! Your photos are not too special to help and it would be good if you could put up some more - with closer detail! But it appears to me that the end of the chassis has been sawn off - about two feet of it and that a winch has been put on one side, perhaps to drive off the gearbox? Hence that funny arrangement of poles and levers on the side - or is that the remains of a cab? The war-time Thornys had a high radiator with the starting handle situated underneath it. With the later (Civilian?) ones, the radiator was of a different type and situated much lower with the starting handle going through the bottom of the radiator - like this one. It would be nice to see a picture of the motor - so that it can be confirmed that it is an original Thornycroft M4. Is there a brass number plate on the motor, giving its number? All very interesting - Forum members enjoy puzzles like this one! Tony
  2. Wait for the Experts to come in - but low-level radiator - a post war civilian version? Do you have any photos of the motor? Tony
  3. He is still working on it - but as you say, a first class Engineer!
  4. Could you try a bit of gentle heat? Don't overdo it........ Tony
  5. Eloquently described, Andy! The original type of Greaser was far prettier than the ones that we are using - they had brass caps with a "key" on top so that they were easy to hold for screwing them down. Those are very hard to come by now - we would very much like to find a source for those at a reasonable price but we pick up what we can at Autojumbles - but not nearly enough at the moment to have a full matching set. The ones that we are using are modern - some three of four years ago, our local supplier put some up for sale - much reduced in price at just 40p each - I guess there is very little demand for them and they were old stock. I asked him how many he had and if I remember correctly, it was something like about sixty! So at that price, I bought the whole lot - they have found homes in all of our lorries and we have passed some on to friends. Very glad that you are enjoying the story, Will! Tony
  6. The half chassis still had one part of the original Radiator Guard on it - this was one of the "Side Plates" and this fitted like a glove on the full chassis that we are using. This Side Plate was used as a template to make the other. The "pink" parts have another history of their own - some time ago we were in regular contact with friends who were restoring two "J's" for a Museum - one was to be "military" and the other to be in its later civilian form. They mistakenly but understandably thought that both vehicles should have the Radiator Guard fitted but after making all new parts realised that the civilian form did not have the Guard and that it ran without one - so the second one was surplus to requirements and was donated to us. So we have used the one original part, one part made in house here, and the rest were the new parts given to us and made elsewhere! You may have noticed that the original part has an additional three holes in it which we do not think are "standard" but may have been put there for a light to be fitted during its later life after the War. Tony
  7. No, the old holes will not be welded up - this could introduce more stresses into the casting so best left alone. They will not be readily visible in any case. With regard to the Hooks, then it appears that all Subsidy Lorries - and other military lorries of all makes as well were fitted with them. I guess that either Roy L. or Tim will be able to tell you more about the original specifications that were laid down for Subsidy Lorries to be fitted with them. I guess not only available for recovery purposes for the lorry - but also to assist any horse drawn cart or wagon that gets stuck in the mire! Tony
  8. It is not always straight forward dealing with an Insurance Company over the telephone. I wanted to obtain a fresh quotation for Buildings Insurance - I telephoned - was asked my Post Code which I was able to give immediately. I was then told that as I live in a Flood Area, they would not be able to quote - and I thought very much off-hand and disinterested in my request. In actual fact, I live on a steep hill, quite a long way up. If we flood here, the world is coming to an end. I told the person that I did not live in a Flood Area, but towards the top of a hill. There is no flooding or history of it in this area. I was not believed - and that was the end of that. Not always possible in this day and age, but so much better to talk to somebody local who knows (in my case) the area and face to face. Very disappointing. Tony
  9. We have been debating this here in Devon. There is some thought that "Gigantic" and "Boadicea" are one and the same Engine - different names used depending on what "clothes" it is wearing. So are there two Engines - or is it one Engine in two different liveries with different names? Tony
  10. Well, I can't speak for "Bill" but we don't do any outside work - commercial or otherwise as we are only amateurs playing at it. Steve's work on the Maudslay was done as an unpaid volunteer to help out where our knowledge of working to a deadline on a WW1 Truck could obviously be helpful. The "Brighton" is now looming up so quickly and there is still so much to be done to complete the project in time for it. There are a whole number of small firms around who will take one-off commissions with the sort of work that you are talking about and perhaps you could make some enquiries for such a firm near to you? Tony
  11. Well done, Dan! Amazing progress! Tony
  12. Plain nuts were fitted so plain nuts go back on! We try to restore, not to modify - unless critical! Tony
  13. We don't get finds like this in the UK any more! Tony
  14. Will keep my fingers crossed for you, Dan! Tony
  15. Great! What a wonderful find! Tony
  16. Thanks! I don't know what it is - a lightweight chassis - wooden wheels - maybe American ? But Alan (Runflat) will be along and I guess he will know! Tony
  17. Is there a number missing off that EBay number - I think that there should be one more! Can you check it please!
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