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Everything posted by Minesweeper

  1. Thanks for helping, Hedd! Tony
  2. Mike - I am writing to you on your own Email address! Tony
  3. When the unit in which I served in 1960 was issued with a K9, it was without any signs on it - I volunteered to paint them on and used some oridinary sellotape as a masking tape. When I took the tape off after the paint on the signs had dried, it took off some of the green as well - so I can certainly confirm that the green on that one was hand painted. Tony
  4. [QUOTE=8_10 Brass Cleaner;430896]what does one of these look like? Please look at posting 1488, page 149 of the Dennis thread dated 10th May 2011 for a series of pictures of one! Tony
  5. Some years ago, we were fortunate to find a Radmore - ("Radmill" Trade name) Generator at Beaulieu which is now fitted to the Dennis and we have been looking out for another identical one for the Thorny - but we have never seen another anywhere. They seem to be very rare but it appears from old photos that they were a very common type fitted to old WD Lorries. So - what happened to them all - and does anybody have one tucked away? Tony
  6. All the very best to you Rick and we hope that 2015 will be a better year for you! The three Goslings!
  7. I have had a very little experience of using acetylene lights and the light they give is very nice. A sort of soft yellow. I drove around South Kensington in a James and Browne car and when they looked a bit dim, just turned up the gas and illuminated the street! First of all, you need calcium carbide not calcium carbonate. Calcium carbonate is just chalk. The lumps we used and I have bought since are the size of broad beans or small marbles. There is little to go wrong with the system except leakage so make sure that all of your joints are good. Turn on the gas slowly and wait until it comes through with a match beside the burner. Then simply adjust the flow until the flame looks about right. If you are touching the inside of the casing with the flame, the gas flow is too high! I can't offer more than that really. When the carbide is exhausted, you will have only calcium oxide powder residue which stinks to high heaven! Simply wash it out and start again. My view now is that carbide lights are fun to play with but if you plan to go out in the dark, make some sort of electric conversion or temporary lighting installation as the most likely accident we will have is that someone runs into us because they haven't seen us. Try it once for the experience. Good luck! Steve
  8. I think that the Crown is a "Queen's" Crown as opposed to a "King's" Crown - so would it be post 1952/53?
  9. Steve has a Ball-Turning attachment for his lathe and he will have a go at doing it with that! I don't think that he has attempted anything quite as big as this before - so we shall see how he gets on! Tony
  10. Thanks Richard - but it appears that in addition to the solid tyres advertised here on HMVF, there are also 4 Thorny wheels which were not mentioned on "our" Forum! Have a look at the one that "Brass Cleaner" mentioned in his posting - tell me that I have it wrong - which has been heard of before! Tony
  11. Have a look at the pictures on Posting No. 1402 dated the 12th August - you will see that there are 4 small plates each fastened by two rivets to the back of the wheel designed to hold the rings exactly on the centre for the rings to butt against. So provided that the new brake rim is turned to the precise diameter, it will be self centring against those small plates in the centre of the wheel! Easy! We are very fortunate to have a friend with a lathe large enough to hold the brake rings and he has very kindly said that Steve may use it! The new rings are on their way today with Steve, to Leicester for that purpose! Tony
  12. Yes, I am going to have to talk nicely to Adrian to see if I can use his big lathe again. You can't play this game without your friends! Steve
  13. The castings for the new brake rings have been received from the foundry and are ready for machining.
  14. I took these three photos this morning in the pouring rain - not very clear but it does appear that there is a "line" which could be a join........................ Tony
  15. Yes that is - but I guess that you would have already worked that out! Tell us more about your progress with the Wickhams!
  16. Yet I bought an MG TD unseen from a Californian Dealer some 22 years ago and there was no trouble for me. The car is still in the family. Just luck of the draw, I guess. Tony
  17. The Back ones have already gone to be "re-rubbered" - I have the old front ones here and will look in the morning! Tony
  18. Wonderful - and very British! They don't make them like that any more! Tony
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