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Everything posted by gritineye

  1. Hi Roberto, and welcome. Any artwork involving MVs, pink cushions, flying Renault 5 bonnets, firemen and planks would be well received. :cool2:
  2. Hi Mark and welcome, plenty on here to keep you interested while you save up, even fire appliances!
  3. gritineye


    A keen young plasterer turned up this morning to render the back wall of a bungalow, I said it was still frozen but he knew better! :rolleyes: After he had put the scratch coat on I poked it and it was hard, frozen said I Na that's strong mix, fast setting says he, see ya tomorrow, bring a shovel I said to shovel it into the skip After he had gone the sun came round and bless me it all went soft again, it's hard again now, of course it's not frozen again :rofl::rofl: Too young to remember proper cold, live and learn. :coffee:
  4. Hi GPS, HMVF rules, take pix of everything of interest you get up to with (I was going to say No Nuts!) your Explorer and post them.
  5. Watch this for authentic steering sounds Dude, http://www.hmvftv.com/watch/e9456013a2a51d4dff70/Meadows-engined-Scammell-Explorer Ermmm...........don't know how to tell you this but........the Queen collects corgies, not Scammells, she has not had the right education I'm afraid.
  6. Thanks Nick, the Dutton looked good when it arrived on the trailer, after that I only saw it when broken, I think the suspension ripped off, all a bit too flimsy, Alvin Smith was better at coils, just couldn't remember his name
  7. John Couzens, lovely bloke, sadly passed away a while ago CW, did he own the Jeep? do you remember his outrageous LR bodied military truck? First monster truck seen in UK! I was looking at the other yellow motor broken in the background, relevance is it features in your 2nd video I believe. Also in that pic a 6 wheel RR, it was supposed to have been built for Noel Edmonds as I recall.
  8. Absolutely correct Mike, forgot about that and the roundel on the wing didn't bring it back either!:red:
  9. Can't be sure Daz, as I ain't seen it for a while, but I suspect it holds extra air for the steering when shunting about a lot at low engine revs, the original compressor can't cope. I had one fitted once and it was very useful, not needed now with the Cummins compressor. All engineering on Amos's and his dad Mike's Scammells (they've got a few) is high standard stuff.
  10. Now look young 6 X 6, you leave my mate Amos's Explorer alone, do you have a stainless cab, opening lower windscreens and a davit built into the cab roof for gearbox removal?......................................I thought not! The rear canvas tilt is only ever seen on top notch Explorers :thumbsup: :-D His Pioneer (#25 in Pioneer thread) is not hampered by conventional thinking either!
  11. Steer clear of Tanalized pre treated timber as paint does not adhere very well to it, if using softwood do all cutting and drilling then soak in a wood preserver that is made to be painted over. A good tip is that when wood dries it mostly curves away from the heart, so when fitting planks to a frame put the heart side out, when the wood moves the joints will close up instead of opening and this gives a much nicer look. If you look at the end of a board (a wide board is easiest to use as an example) you'll see the annual rings. The annual rings will tell you how the board will cup. It will generally cup the opposite direction that the rings are running.
  12. Whats this pic doing in this thread then?
  13. Trouble I find is them farmers are always on about soil or crop damage, spoilsports!!
  14. Well done 6x6, and don't 'e look wunnerful huge outside the pub! A very satisfying day out for you I reckon, great pix :thumbsup:
  15. Belated happy birthday young Jack!
  16. Great result Younggun, must be the best new year ever for you now!
  17. Hi Rob, welcome the the ever growing list of Explorer owners on the friendly forum, you'll get plenty of help and advice here, if we can't fix it we'll mess it up so no one else can! :-D
  18. Hi Rob, I have no real facts to go on but the diesel came first and the petrol version was said to be a design collaboration between Scammell and Meadows, although Scammells input may have just been in the ancillary bits. As per previous posts I would expect the main components to be the same except the pistons (lower compression) the crankshaft balancing to suit (not so easy to check), the camshaft (lift+profile+timing) and maybe modified crank oil ways for better lube at higher speeds. When working on these crankshafts be sure to remove the sludge plugs and clean out the hollow crank throws, as a build up of particles inside can compact due to certain forces and eventually block the oil ways. You've nothing to loose by having a go, good luck with it!
  19. The chassis was a bit damaged ns front leg, I suggested a re chassis as I could have copied the reinforcing etc and no one would have known, but the owner wanted to keep it original so an attempt was made at straightening it, that's how it was when he sold it. The winch and bumper he put on, a bit of bling, not right really, what do you know about the Milan Mount now fitted? We saw it at Aston Down auctions in a compound with some 101s that had been withdrawn to be sent to Dunsfold to be stripped and converted for the Judge Dread film, somehow it was put in the next auction as an FFR 110 and my customer bought it £1200.00 I think, almost everyone else had it down as scrap and were gobsmacked! Only a couple were after it and one came over later and said something like "So you know what is is then, hope you're not cutting it up!" It must have been sold by accident as the phone was red hot for a couple of days after, guess who? There was a SAS film on TV a bit later and it was used for some of the shots in a quarry somewhere, I have a tape of that somewhere. The story goes that a couple of guys from the Regiment who were advising recognised some bits of it as the one that was used in the mission they were filming, baybe bu*ll***t.
  20. Happy Christmas to you all, have a good one :yay:
  21. Sorry to read that Joris but I would edit that a bit before the police and insurance people read it, or things might get worse!
  22. Thanks Pinkie, as it was spring 1995 when I worked on it, the memory has faded a bit, it was deffo the only one at the time, caused quite a stir in LR circles, another thing I remember is the rear body had not been cut for a fuel filler, the reason for no rear tank always puzzled me when it carried all those jerry cans! we replaced the tub so it is a filled one now and looks non genuine if you spot it. The build quality was a bit strange as well, the spare wheel carrier was fixed on with masses of bolts but the gunner's seat and harness were fixed to the battery box containing I think three batteries, this lot was only held in place by four rivnuts in the ally floor, no spreaders or chassis mounts and it had pulled right out! Obviously they didn't mind the gunner getting thrown out covered in acid when they hit something hard as long as the spare didn't land on him. Will try and dig out some more pix. Here's why we replaced the rear body, it was all a bit bent!
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