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Everything posted by gritineye

  1. Oooooooooh.....and you didn't even need the Rover V8 clue, correct answer Richard.
  2. Not eastern block Mike, clue coming up in a bit.
  3. You're right.........not a Stonefield.
  4. Sorry ........not that either.
  5. Nope..........neither of those.
  6. Graham, it's late, you're getting tired with all that electrickery, I'm off to bed mate.
  7. A little teaser, what is this? Photo courtesy of Brian Hartley
  8. Well done Graham, persistence pays! I don't think it is possible to mix pics and words when you upload pix as attachments, this is easier when using the Potobucket method. sorry but there's still more electrickery for you to get to grips with! :-D
  9. Another nice photo of the Morris staff car but looks to be in posh clothes
  10. I'm rummaging around (in my shed, can't trust my brain any more) for more info on this CW.
  11. I have a question, how do they keep those hats on in a high wind? Especially this one, and don't tell me he's the cabin/tea boy and never goes on deck :-D
  12. I should have said simple logic.
  13. Someone posted a comment to one of my YouTube vids mentioning the 6x6 Pioneer and said it was called a Scammell Prospector, has any one heard of this name before? I haven't.
  14. I heard on the wireless (remember those?) that this will not work because of some clause slipped in somewhere that allows them to circumvent this tactic very easily, can't remember how though. I'm against the vapor trails are almost blocking the sun already!
  15. You said that with a straight face Degsy, I think I'll stick to logarithms, infinitesimal calculus, slide rules, and mental interstellar navigation stuff in future, this simple maths eludes me, :cool:
  16. Thanks Bystander, I had thought ramming went out of fashion a long time before then, should have thought of that.
  17. Propulsion: 2 shafts 4 cylinder VTE steam engines 48 Bellville type water tube boilers 25,000 hp Speed: 22 knots (41 km/h) Range: 7000 nm (13000 km) at 14 knots (26 km/h) 3000 tons coal Does this mean that after 4 hours at full power = 25,513 ihp (19,025 kW) = 21.9 knots (40.6 km/h) those poor stokers would have shoveled 3000 tons of coal into 48 fires? :sweat:62.5 tons each boiler! :shake:
  18. Neither are the tyres Dude, but we like them as well! :thumbsup: Maybe it's time to start on the brakes, lots of geometry for you to work out but it will be worth the effort, it's a big ask but you have all the skills! :cool2: brakes.PDF
  19. On Jack's orders Juliette's room, the one below his top floor one, had the balcony door omitted as he can't stand being kept awake by tipsy members misquoting Shakespeare all night, also Juliette will need comforting as she's afraid of the dark.
  20. I remember what I believe were the first ones going up, and they are still there, the first houses on the left as you go into Eastbourne past the District General Hospital, They're sagging a bit in places now! We dragged a Pioneer out of Llewelyns yard when they sold up, hadn't been started since they finished the Hospital, it ran ok first time! There was a lot of other old lorries and cars there as well, the boss was a collector, that one was probably one of them so should have survived.
  21. There was a local building company called Llewelyns in Eastbourne who had a subsidiary called Quickbuild Homes or similar, they used lorries with support frames like the ones shown for carrying the flat packed houses they put up, May be it was them.
  22. As far As I can work out an Explorer is a 'Road Recovery Vehicle' described as: Special types-road recovery vehicles A road recovery vehicle is a vehicle that is; a locomotive; an N3 motor vehicle; or a combination of an N3 motor vehicle and an O4 trailer; which is A specially designed and constructed vehicle for the recovery of disabled road vehicles, fitted with a crane, winch or lifting system for recovering another vehicle. Heavy Locomotive, described as: Mechanically propelled vehicle itself not constructed to carry load other than equipment for propulsion, loose tools and loose equipment, UW exceeding 11,690 kg. They are not designed to carry goods, so are not HGVs, as locomotives they can tow up to 3 trailers. Unless anyone knows different of course
  23. Somewhere on the Explorer thread is a pic of Forceful suspend towing a Pioneer hulk along country roads, I was not driving, the owner of the Pioneer was, he has a full HGV and a business insurance to cover him in such activities. I would have loved to have done it just for the experience, but common sense prevailed, I just went along for the ride.
  24. A living van is considered to be an unladen trailer as long as it contains only personal effects, and nothing else, not annoying at all we all need to get this stuff right:)
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