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Posts posted by ashley

  1. yea I got a Police one, but if you compare it to an original the rims are shorter on the post war police and liners have a sweat band at the front of the liners, slider buckle on chinstrap too.



    Hi Simon,

    will a repro chinstrap not retro fit ??



  2. Hi,

    the cheapest way may to buy a cheap(?) civil helmet, though the liner will be different. There is a company German Helmets.com (in the U.S.) who will supply whatever you ask for, but as previously mentioned try the local reinacting groups theyare your best bet.


    A friend of mine brought a nice single decal camo, chicken wire SS M43 for about £150:00 last year which was very life like.



  3. HMMMMM the flu jab,

    had it for the first time in about 1975 and i was really ill. Last year was told by the doctor that it was imperative to have it every year, last year a

    had the jab all was fine.


    This year completely forgot about it and i caught a stinker, squits, dizziness, fatigue, 3 week cough, temperature.


    Will have it next year for sure, but as the doctor said it will not immunise you against all strains of the virus.



  4. Hi RB,

    welcome and the answer is dependant on how much work your jeep will need :dunno:


    i am lucky in a way as me and DIY really don't get on at all so if the dear wife wants something decorated she is welcome to get on with it, she will call me if theres a problem she wants help with.


    It may be wise to do some of the DIY ........ get the jeep MOT..... promising to finish the DIY be-for Christmas (but don`t mention which one) :-D



  5. This is definately a must for armour fans,

    when i last attended (approx 1990) it was still quite a small dislay on show. As far as i know every year in July (dont quote me) they have thier main annual display where they bring out all the running exhibits including the "German Heavies" which is a sight i would love to see :schocked:



  6. Hi Tony,

    in my day 1973-1974 the school was almost opposite the C.V.D. and was known as Tidworth secondary Modern, what a dump ! but after 3 years in a military boarding school in Germany the amount of freedom was unbelievable and took a lot of adjusting too.

    So the favorite haunts was the Ram P.H. or a battle with the squaddies in the Drummer(?) next to the Tidworth Bowl.


    I can also vaguely remember living in Burphore (sp) terrace in 1962-1964 which i believe has been demolished now for a new army base.


    I can still remember the Garrisons most guarded asset, a full size wooden horse in a wire cage that was apparently used originally for training horseman skills for cavalry troops, caught playing on it and your father was up in front of the C.O. believe me i know (so did my father) :whistle: :whistle:














  7. HHHHMMM Lugershall,

    just down the road from my old school, nearly got into trouble there one lunch time as i borrowed my mates new scooter to pop to the shops pity he never told me he had "borrowed " it from his neighbour in Perham Down the night before with out permission :police:


    I can remember getting a job at what was C.V.D there one week until they discovered that i had got my age wrong on the application form :dunno: and was still at school :-(

    luckily i have grown a beard as disguise so hopefully i Will not be recognised by the local vigilantes.


  8. Yes,

    we actually lived in Invicta Park (Jamacia terrace) 1965-1968 i was a young lad at the time left, when i was ten. Fantastic, mainly down by the river but i now understand the old camp by the river is now a housing estate :-( :-( got into hot water there once when i found what i thought was an abandoned goat tied up outside the rowing club ............only to have the M.P.s beating down the door to the house several weeks later looking for a "misplaced" regimental mascot :redfaced:



  9. Hi Joris,

    as GWT says i expext most of the gear went to Saumur, but i know some of it went to the Falaise museum (in the old cheese factory behind the castle) as some Halftrack sections were stacked in a corner when i was there many years ago.



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