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Posts posted by ashley

  1. I thought overlord was an MVT show, can't see the point of having 2 shows the same weekend so close to each other.

    Overlord is one of my favorites.



    Hush your mouth young sir :-D,

    the problems with Horndean / MVT legendary and are worthy of bypassing.



  2. Here are the grenades,

    the first one is 1WW German from the Verdun battlefield. there were ten of these in a stack by the side of a trench :-o although the wooden handles had rotted the heads (note clip so that it by worn on a belt or tucked in the boot) were complete and also the china pull ring and the base plates



    width=547 height=299http://i14.photobucket.com/albums/a344/atcase/france%2006/DSCF0236.jpg[/img]



    The second was found at Falaise


    width=518 height=209http://i14.photobucket.com/albums/a344/atcase/france%2006/DSCF0234.jpg[/img]


  3. Hi,

    in the past i have uncovered several bits and bobs from Falaise, Normandy and the first war battle fields to include shell heads,fuse caps, grenades, 2ww helmets (Falaise)

    medals, ammo, tubes of foot cream etc.

    The main problem is as i attended shows i gave a lot of it away to youngsters / other collectors, but still have the first (not the best)helmet i dug up , some 1st ww grenade heads and possibly the odd medal i shall have to find and photograph them for the site.

    I can remember detecting in the Falaise gap on one of the routes to Trun in a small wooded area and found a pretty naffed pair of boots (german) followed by some rotten trousers, crushed helmet ,belt buckle etc but the best part was the top front section of a shirt with a pocket containing 9mm live ammo and above this a material medal bar which displayed :-

    iron cross 2nd class,

    Russian front medal,

    Entry into memmle medal,

    4 yrs LSGC.


    My travelling companion at the time took the ammo (he was a firearms collector) but by the time i had got back home several other items had gone including the medal bar :cry:





  4. one of my treasured memories was when i finally found the Trun scrapyard before it was cleared out.


    This plot of land tucked behind the local infants school had all manner of German vehicle parts, vehicles and at least one `stack` of large caliber tank guns also near the center was a complete opel maultier the half tracked version with the doors still open the fence line which hid the yard from the road was basically a mixture of bramble and sections of vehicle (trucks) cabs usually being late war were made of compressed cardboard though they in still reasonably good shape.

    Those were the days........



  5. nothing to special really...

    When the German army was retreat from the allies after Normandy He tank like many other tanks and vehicles simply ran out of fuel and as the German army was retreating for its life the crews just abandoned them where they were,some crews activating the self destruct devices and walking away.


    As the allies advanced the tank being an obstruction was simply pushed off the edge of the road and left.


    The tide of war passed and the tank slid slowly down the bank the vegetation grew around it forgotten by most people except for a chap called Alain Rodiux (sp) who spent his days post war collecting all sorts of bits and bobs off the battlefield not forgetting it was actually a slaughter ground for the German forces


    I the early seventies i met a group of lads some i still know and we planned metal detecting trip to the Falaise area by rail and bicycleand uncovered all manner of items (lots of which were found by the roadsides)

    Getting back to the Tiger, at this time it was still on the bank covered in vegetation and bramble and Alain showed us where it was.

    I believe some time after that some local scrap boys were seen by locals preparing to cut it up but the locals brought the tank and Alain had it pulled up the bank and exhibited where it stands today, after giving it a quick respray.



  6. Hi Mick,

    love the Bonswer truck, have driven many types over the years. the oldest having a 500/550cc villiers engine in it and also had a kick start rather than being turned over by a handle in the front.


    The posher model's had electric start /indicators and headlights well posh and still great at pulling wheelies :-D


    I am sure you know the company is still in business (up till about 2 years ago)




  7. Hi David,

    and welcome to the forum, my father was at Colchester or so he mentioned once, but in those days he was busy `whitewashing heaps of coal`only for the Sgt. to move a piece, spot some black so he had to shovel it into another heap and start whitewashing again,


    My only voluntary clash with the `redcaps` was a frequent (after hours) chase from Bulford to Tidworth across country me ( the innocent one) on an unregistered Triumph Tiger Cub, the true villains (MP`s ) in a 850 mini they nearly caught me on several occasions but thats another story :-D


    So is your landie marked up as MP or are you choosing something else.


    If someone called Jack crosses your path `cuff im` and tell him to get a real mans vehicle :roll: :roll: :pfrt: :pfrt:



  8. Hi all,

    what i can see is the guy as described....... on his left is the shape of another person taller stockier you can see his torso and legs and he appears to be wearing leggings/ waterproof garments, and under his right arm is the figure of a woman's head with long hair ...or have i put too much mustard on me corned beef butty ??????


  9. Hi Joris,

    all of these, along with other items like the cars from, 101 Dalmatians (Renault 5), quite a few `Herbie's` (VW) stage coaches, police cars and the odd submarine(type one British) Are in the movie set section,


    The other two jeeps and the WC are dotted around the Indiana Jones roller coaster.


  10. Hi all,

    on a recent visit to Disneyland Paris saw some MV`s 3 jeeps 1 wc i landrover plus others posted here, even one for the PW chaps.






    DSCF0147.jpg :pfrt:












    hopefully of intrest.


    Ashley :nut: :nut:

  11. My jeep is known as " LIL HARRY" as this was the nickname of the previous owner (some one i have known for 20 Yrs) grandfather who served in WW2, apparently he was 6` 4" in height.


    So far i have not yet decided what guise/scheme to finish the jeep in yet, as both my grandfathers were Royal Navy, yet my father served post war from `51 to 75 in the Royal Engineers so i may take that course :dunno:.



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