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Posts posted by ashley

  1. the only advice i would give is get someone else to do it for you :whistle:




    But that means spending money :whistle: :whistle:


    luckily the wife has muscle from training down the gym




  2. then click on 'submit your article' one you have post your article in the box, you then click on the save button - your article will then be sent to us and we can take it from there.



    Hope that helps!


    Best wishes.






    Hi Jack,

    i can not see the `submit your article button` am i doing something wrong...


  3. Hello everybody,


    Well I guess it has been stacked against me. Really wanted to go this year. If the school holidays didn't clash with the show I would be there now with my boy and the 432. but he didn't finish school till yesterday and as we can't spare any extra time off work to look after him, as they have so many holidays though out the year. Does anybody have the same problem???

    Then yesterday the heavens open, and instead of a 432 I should have invested in a boat, at least I could have got to the house. I was all geared up to go along to W&P this weekend then somebody at work came back in from road test in the afternoon and said the main road was flooded, and I knew it didn't sound good, got home to find the water just creeping in the house. For the next 3 hours spent digging trenches to get the water away, but wasn't enough, my nice new wood flooring that I put down last week, has all got to come back up. And my friend in Tewkesbury, she couldn't get home till this morning to find over a foot inside her house. Went over there and theres nothing you can do, it all ruined downstairs, water slowly going, just got wait for the looters to wreck it now.


    W&P maybe next year (if they move it a week)





    Bad luck dude hope all is sorting it self out now.



  4. The Dorset Boys will have Hardyferret on the team :-D - at the last match each time it was his 'go' the guys doing the putting up took cover behind a barricade of tables!!!! :shake:


    No Probs that is Dave`s task (putting up) and he was pretty good at `lane dodging` last year must be the coach driver in him :whistle: :whistle:





  5. Hope all is OK, Ashley............



    Cheers Lee Endfield and Mrs HF,

    its just that me Gran is in hospital after a fall (she is 99 on Friday) and her closest relatives were away at the weekend so i had to make a visit, she is well and can`t wait to get back to her home but i can not see the hospital letting her return to live alone for some time, if ever.

    It is an issue she will not accept and grills the doctor about her release from hospital daily !



  6. Ashley,


    That would be Jean Ziger, from Luxembourg with his Demag. In fact last year he did not bring the Demag, but I am certain he did not display this year.



    Cheers for that Richard.


    One other thing struck me this year, was that in the ginger gammon bar in the evenings there were very few uniform`s in attendance during the evenings unless they all wore camo gear and the cola i was supping :whistle: :whistle: was Xtra strong

  7. Hi,

    this year though the vehicle fields had increased in size ,there seem to be quite a few of the old regulars missing from the show, or maybe because a lot people were not in thier usual places made finding them harder i.e the Famo, to name one and usually opposite him a Belgian (?) chap with a grey h/track.


    just my views.


  8. Disappointment :cry:/ good news for some :|

    looks like i may not be able to arrive until Sunday A.M, as the wife has agreed to work a night shift on the Saturday night (wish she would learn to navigate a calender !!! )

    Take a day trip to France and this is what happens when your back is turned :cry:


    Now lets see if Jack can behave on the evening run !



  9. Im sleeping in the caravan with Ash next year :whistle:

    Come to think of it, scrap the distance trophy and go for the most people in a caravan trophy :rofl:






    has asked me to bring a tent for next year to eavesdrop on Vics stratagy and plans for the return skittles match, as he intends not to be second to no one :evil: :evil:



  10. Hi guys

    It will be good to see you again. Ash are you bringing the caravan? I promise to have electric for you this time mate.




    Hi David,

    not too sur what the boss is doing yet :-D but SWMBO now has a generater for the use of !Last time she came along as it was her chance to tow the caravan for the first time and was a good learning curve for her,.. me i got lost but there again some one has to do it :whistle:

    anyways we shall wait and see.



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