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Posts posted by ashley


    I was hoping we could invade Nellie crumb's ye olde tea shoppe....

    or the five and a dime cafe next to the Rex flea pit cinema :evil: :evil:




    HF :beer: :dancinggirls: :banana: :banana:



    Hi HF,

    this sounds more like Jacks taste must be an `age thing`


    `Lemon sponge anyone ??`or just the pink sections of the Battenburger for some ??




  2. Will be there Ma'am - looking forward to it and can we do the chip shop run please - but Ashley isn't allowed anywhere near the place - you know the hassle he started last year. :cry:



    ME !

    I was in the Co-op when it all kicked off :pfrt: :pfrt: though i may have contributed to the meyhem Jack started :whistle: :whistle: me thinks we should go to a chinese they are much more of a challange and will have more of a sense of humour :dunno:

    well have to see how the mood takes us on the evening






  3. Yeah well,

    when you drive a real mans vehicle ,not one of them jimmy things you are allowed a few secrets. But be warned any potential thieves of the towel will have to face the newest member of the family whose sole purpose is to guard the towel. And be warned she attacks in an instant and chews stalwart tyres for breakfast !!




    Nessie the guard (pup)


    NB those are not my pink striped trousers!!



  4. Hi Neil,

    very sorry to hear your sad news, when my father was in hospital (a place he rarely visited) i spoke to him on the phone (thursday evening) and told him i would be down on Friday eve.. "dont bother its only a bad cold, i`ll be home on Friday out of this place" but he died next day at 62 yrs old.


    Himself a 25 year man R.E. many stories and tale of his service some of which i remind myself of when the anniversary comes around.


    If he had wishes carry them out if possible,or yo never forgive yourself for not doing his final wishes




    On the BBC - it must be true[/i] I am afraid not. The BBC are the world masters at propaganda - just look at what they done during WW2. The reason why I never watch the news or read newspapers.......



    Hey Jack, did not realise you were that old :-D to be a WW2 listener on the old crystal set (according to my grand dad)




  6. Hi all,

    a couple of years ago on being sent on an errand to the local supermarket , spotted a young lady walking towards me down one of the isle. On reading the the motto on her T-shirt it said "I DO HAVE A FACE YOU KNOW" so i looked up, smiled and carried on walking by :blush:

    There was also a young lady at Beltring which had " Touch me" written on hers across the chest :eek2: :eek2:



  7. Graham,

    its your bike to do with as you please ! as you say "its a bit of a mongrel" well at least its on the road and being enjoyed :-o


    Paint it in what markings you want to, if any one queries it you have the answer for them.




    One thing is certain - provided I can get her MOT'd tomorrow and thus allow the wife to bring her to the show next Friday - you won't be able to mistake her for any other landie there - the grease marks on the paint are quite un-mistakeable!! :-D :-D :-D



    Well at least she (the landie)should be waterproof...time for some wading !!!! on he off road course :-D



  9. Rambo1969,

    for many years i spent frequentig a coin and medal shop, and was fortunate to see many rare items in the badge and medal world as well as meet lots of interesting (and very humble) military characters and this is wher i saw an origonal LRDG badge, now long gone.


    Like the famed SS helmets i see 99.9% are fakes



  10. Hi,

    the term`peep` was as far as i know given to early (production ??) jeeps one of these vehicles was the `radio` style speedo/ oil,temp gauges. there was one locally buried under a tarpaulin for years and i belive it was sold and restored.......... but apparently the last two owners who have owned and restored the vehicle have met with serious accidents in the vehicle :schocked: but can`t verify this.


  11. Hi Rambo,

    anorigonal LRDG badge is much sort after in the collecting world, most 99% seen are fakesso make sure it doesn`t walk one day :shake:but i bet that 99.9 % of the badge collecting world have not seen an original and may not recognise it as such. But be warned for with out care one day it will disappear :schocked:



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