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Posts posted by ashley

  1. Hi All,

    for the last 4 years have had met up with friends from another forum at the showand it is great t put faces to names and chat (and drink, and drink) with like minded souls though even at 16:30 it can still get rather noisy in the ginger gammon bar :beer: :beer: :nut:

    A photo shoot may well have to take part off site (carpark area ??) to find enough room


    Just some thoughts



  2. Jack says........

    "It was alright as Ashley wasn't there :schocked:" oh i see, am i being blamed for the last episode ???? as i was originally in the co-op with `Mrs Jack` gathering a supply of whiskey and beer for the nights entertainment when the mayhem kicked off

    Just proves you can not leave Jack on his own for 5 minutes!!!!! :pfrt:



  3. Hi all,

    i couldn't`t believe the hike from £5:00 to £25:00 at the time , and as i trailer the jeep now theres an additional £30:00 :cry: (still cheaper than a lone drive) but here is a venue where i can meet friends and fellow minded people MV collectors, British and German militaria collectors, re-enacters (axis and allied), camp for over a week ,and though a good friend of mine only lives thirty miles away i can guarantee i will always meet him at the W&P show WHAT A BLAST!

    Also this year i want to try and meet more of you guy`s



  4. Please do ,

    and ifyou can remember i would be pleased to try and trace if possible any history of my own jeep, like wise as far as i know mine being approx january 1945 went in to service with the British army untill it was released in 1959.




  5. Hi all,

    i have always understood that all towed items (trailers, jeeps) wit a kerbside weight in excess of 750KG needs to have a braking system :shake: i know that somehave modified a frames to have simple braking system (see Jessie the Jeeps article)


    This also only applies if you have a pre January 1997 licence (cat B+ E and C1+E) ?


    Also keep in mind that as a general rule vehicles are lighter by design these days (mainly family cars) unbraked trailers may only be towed by a vehicle with a kerbside weight of at least twice the actual in use weight of the trailer E.G. ..... if the towing vehicle has a kerbside weight of 1000 KG it is restricted to a towing an unbraked trailer of 500K.G. including load even if if the trailer has a MAM (maximum authorised mass....gross weight in English) of 750 K.G.


    You can take a test to to the level of C1+E (age dependent) to tow larger trailers etc


    Note those who have an older style license will also need to take the test to exceed the 8250 KG.


    I have tried to keep it simple :schocked:




  6. I would like to say...

    the argument of British re-en actors not wearing medals,and the German re-en actors wearing them, all stems from the fact that German soldiers etc. always wore their awards or combat medals/badges on the field combat uniform in "full dress order" where as the allies etc only wore ribbands.


    My personal opinion is a no no on any form of medal/medal ribands being worn as i believe they are personal to those who officially earned them.



  7. Hi dog107,

    out of intrest how did you manage to trace the wartime number through the post war registration???? Mine was 46YJ36 according to the rebuild plate

    intersting to see a wartime jeep portrayed in its post war guise rather than the typical U.S. guise



  8. Welcome aboard and nice job on your Jeep :-D


    See Ashley - that is the colour your Jeep should be :-D



    :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D Says he who drove around in a red gmc :eek: :eek: be for he felt the need to follow the crowd, by casting off the coat of individuality :wink:

    though i`ll never know why the jeep was released by the army, Khaki coloured, i do like the appearance of it, and though modest and shy i may be, its my little bit of extrovertness :banana:


    Unless i `ve had a few pints or got mixed up with the wrong chip shop crowd



  9. Here we go again..........


    On the odd occasion i take my jeep to a show on a trailer :-o as my family can enjoy the journey and the day better, but this may be 2-3 times a year, the rest of the time i drive it to and from shows.


    If you guys prefer to have post war vehicles and feel downtrodden because of it don`t lash out at the jeep guys who sometimes use trailers :evil: this seems to be a common ploy here, if your not happy, as stated organise something for your selves.


    From a jeep owner marked up as a PW vehicle ( British) :pfrt: :pfrt: :pfrt:


    :tup:nice rhyme John

  10. width=640 height=480http://i14.photobucket.com/albums/a344/atcase/france%2006/DSCF0073.jpg[/img]


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    The next photo stop was the American Cemetary which contains approx 11,000 graves, the chimes @3pm of the bells was very moving indeed.


    width=640 height=480http://i14.photobucket.com/albums/a344/atcase/france%2006/DSCF0093.jpg[/img]

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    Then on to pont Du hoc haven`t been here since the early eighties


    width=640 height=480http://i14.photobucket.com/albums/a344/atcase/france%2006/DSCF0104.jpg[/img]


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    width=640 height=480http://i14.photobucket.com/albums/a344/atcase/france%2006/DSCF0114.jpg[/img]


    Well that sums up the whistle stop tour i was really surprised how much Ammoranches had changed and a pity the museum was closed


    Hopefully in the early summer we Will be taking another day trip in the jeeps to cover mainly the Cherbourg peninsular.











  11. Hi to all,

    earlier this year a few of us decided to take the jeeps to France for a day. Due to complications this was not too be,so by car we went arriving at 06:00 hrs on 11th November 2006.The first site we visited it was so dark i didn`t bother taking the camera.

    The second location was the jump off point for the Highland Div in the battle for France a great place toreally start the day as i met a survivor from this operation earlier this year

    width=640 height=480http://i14.photobucket.com/albums/a344/atcase/france%2006/DSCF0029.jpg[/img]


    width=640 height=480http://i14.photobucket.com/albums/a344/atcase/france%2006/DSCF0030.jpg[/img]


    Then we moved to Pegasus bridge just a couple of miles away (i`ve not captioned the pictures as i am sure many of you have trod this route, any questions do ask)

    width=640 height=480http://i14.photobucket.com/albums/a344/atcase/france%2006/DSCF0061.jpg[/img]


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    One of the difficult parts of this thread was which pictures to leave out of the 94 i took that day. After attendind the memorial service at the bridge (with 12 airmen0 it was time to move on to the Longues (sp) battery.


    width=640 height=480http://i14.photobucket.com/albums/a344/atcase/france%2006/DSCF0069.jpg[/img]


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