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Posts posted by ashley

  1. Hi all,


    I must admit that the last few years i have camped i have managed to squeeze in next to nick (Nick Hobbs) which is across from Bernie, Russ, Rowan,


    As mentioned be for being school term time makes it awkward but hopefully will arrive on the Tuesday as usual (letting the wife attend as many bingo sessions as she like through the winter) and like last year will bring down on the trailer.



  2. Hi Dave,

    in the late sixties through to the late seventies most German army members wore the gray shirt, trouser /parka uniform as a basic day to day uniform wit the American style helmet / jump boots. It may be worth a visit to your local second hand book shop to browse and get ideas.

    On the upper arm of shirts etc were worn the German national colours Red /Yellow Black, I believe that some time in the mid seventies the rank insignia changed from sew on to slip on insignia.

    Just a few thoughts from memory jogging.


  3. Quoted from Bernie

    `that was a seriously impressive vehicle & deserved best in show,

    welcome to the site & please post some photos of that gorgeous scammell.`


    Hi Dave have the picture in front of me, very nice indeed :tup: welcome






  4. Welcome Radar,

    to this forum, i know what a sankey and a landrover FFR are but as for the rest :dunno: :dunno: :whistle: i havn`t a clue so please excuse my ignorance.


    If you have pictures can you throw a few `orbs` in for Jack ( as he likes these sort of things)


    Again welcome





  5. Ok how about this one of JT taken at Coalhose Fort one night.. & before you say it, no-one was smoking... as you can see the first one was perfect as was the last one..except the glowing eyes.. always thought there was something strange about my Son :evil:



    width=640 height=480http://i38.photobucket.com/albums/e132/safariswing/48731c19.jpg[/img]

    width=640 height=480http://i38.photobucket.com/albums/e132/safariswing/09ca6de9.jpg[/img]

    width=640 height=480http://i38.photobucket.com/albums/e132/safariswing/2b22ff17.jpg[/img]


    Do i spy a roll up ???


  6. I must confess.....

    in my day it was thunder flashes under tin a hat (a borrowed one) or one day when we were bored puncture a hole in a .22 round place on window ledge with smallfuse protruding and add lighted match BANG

    tried this with a .303 round but a mates blackened, burnt, bleeding thumb persuaded us not too try it twice :schocked:




  7. Hi,

    it can be difficult these days as there are so many shows and some invariably clash.

    The Bovy show this year clashed with my daughters dance show and the excuse i used was `that as the show is bi-annual i`ll be there, dance show next year` may have to use plan B this year (what ever that is ???).

    I know some of our guy`s left the Kemble show early due to camping problems and came to Bovy + rain.


    If the show is dedicated to all that USA gear will this mean that other armour/vehicles will not be shown ? because love it or hate it the Tiger and the German armour is a big crowd puller especially this year with the half tracks fro the SDKFZ foundation and the Jagd. panther :bow:


    Could prove interesting.



  8. Well I have my Mother & Father coming down tomorrow.......so that is another road map of Great Britain to go along with the other 5 road maps that they have bought me :computerterror2:



    HI Jack,

    may be u should ask for an alarm clock because you can plan your routes !just have to get up early enough to get There on time!!! :wave: :BANNED!: :yawn:



  9. Ask ten different people this question and you will find the camp divided usually 50-50, for myself i have had some good friends who have put unleaded fuel in their jeeps(wartime ones) and they have ended in disastrous results, requiring the unit to be replaced :cry: .

    For myself i have gone down the use of additive route.



  10. You could always go down the Home front / Land Army route and get a small tractor/Caterpillar (a clayton ??) if you have an allotment a set of ploughs/ hoes and your well away


    Or..........a Austin Champ/Landrover, morris 1000, (Military Police) Rolls Royce staff car........ The worlds your oyster so`s to speak :schocked:





    O.K O.K post amended ;-)



  11. You could always go down the Home front / Land Army route and get a small tractor/Caterpillar (a clayton ??) if you have an allotment a set of ploughs/ hoes and your well away


    Or..........a Austin Champ/Landrover, morris 1000, mini 850 (Military Police) Rolls Royce staff car........ The worlds your oyster so`s to speak :schocked:



  12. My grandfather,

    used to often speak of the `fancy yanks` doing rifle/bayonet drill, he reckoned real men did it properly :schocked:

    It wasn`t until after his death that noted that he got several bronze medals for bayonet drill, and even a silver one in the 1929 Royal tournament for the Royal navy.

    He later became an instructor for the famous Portsmouth gun crew (royal tournament)

    With that in mind i guess he knew what he was talking about :police:

    Ashley :wave:

  13. sorry Jack ,

    would have joined you but............. have promised to visit me Gran who was 98 this year, but still lives alone in her house, cooks a fantastic roast (won`t take no for an answer)has a fascination for local (Pompey) and global events, but always cries when when we leave as she thinks it will probably be the last time she will see us :cry:



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