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Posts posted by ashley

  1. It seems that most of the relevant pictures have been posted, but here are just one or two of mine.

    width=640 height=480http://i14.photobucket.com/albums/a344/atcase/rememberence07/DSCF0090.jpg[/img]

    From the tank museum ??a nice Morris F.A.T. never got a chance to look inside :-(


    width=640 height=480http://i14.photobucket.com/albums/a344/atcase/rememberence07/DSCF0088.jpg[/img]


    Something in red for the home front fetish folks (not sure of date of vehicle)


    width=640 height=480http://i14.photobucket.com/albums/a344/atcase/rememberence07/DSCF0087.jpg[/img]


    and some in green for the P.W. lads


    width=640 height=480http://i14.photobucket.com/albums/a344/atcase/rememberence07/DSCF0089.jpg[/img]

    Mrs HF in hiding


    width=640 height=480http://i14.photobucket.com/albums/a344/atcase/rememberence07/DSCF0097.jpg[/img]



    A view along the quayside


    width=640 height=480http://i14.photobucket.com/albums/a344/atcase/rememberence07/DSCF0107.jpg[/img]


    On route to the pub.




  2. I meant to say earlier that I hoped that neither Lawson or Jack didn't really put any of that WD-40 on their Running boards as they tend to be pretty slick enough without any help from silicone!! :shake:




    clean his MAN`S TRUCK :shake: :shake: :shake: :shake:


    :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :-o




  3. I think the UKWLF team are going to win it, as the rest of us will be fighting it out in the car park. Pistols at dawn one thinks. :whistle: :whistle:


    You`ll have to wait untill after 10:30 AM for Jack to get out of bed :-D



  4. CAKE`S WHAT CAKE`S all i saw Jack (the hamster) Beckett looking rather sheepish during a tea break (thanks Sue, and the cooker monitor :tup: :tup:).

    I still think the best way to sell poppies is to offer a choice of colours (but not the red one)


    Good day out (1/2 day for some members :whistle: :whistle: :whistle:)


    Nice to meet you at last Lawson


    Real fun and for a good cause.


    see you tomorrow all (A.M. JACK)



  5. I lived to join the Army piratically all my young life ,

    went to Sutton Coalfield for my three days induction my father was so proud. Came home changed, my mind joined a funfair had a truly mind opening summer with the fair crew, moved to south UK been here ever since.


    One minor glinch was offered a job as a camp guard, £500 a week (swiss bank account) tax free was told it would be overseas but untill the police came knocking did not realise i had signed up as a mercanary soldier for Angola in 1975 :shake: :shake:


    never really regretted it.



  6. :-D My 101 in the gulf was" The Truck With No Name" from I went t the desert in a truck with no name or was it horse? and It was Pink.



    It was "i went through the desert on a horse with no name"



  7. Hi,

    there is a site called "detector web" IIRC that due to low river levels in former Russia, several tanks aemoured vehicles are being saved from thier watery tombe`s


    Also rember that due to enviromental issues some tanks are being rescued by goverment agencies to prevent fuel etc polluting rivers and lakes



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