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Posts posted by ashley

  1. Yes merry Christmas to all.




    I will no longer be able to dress up as Father Christmas






    Hey Jack the chap in post 4 looks awfully farmiliar ???


    All the best to all forum members for the festive season, and for 2008 hope to meet more of you on the "circuit" so`s to speak.



  2. As posted in other threads have found the occasional item whilst detecting on the WW1 fields (many years ago) I recall whilst walking a trench line in the forest of Verdun came to a small area with the pig tail spikes still in place and on the edge of the trench in a small flattened are was a spoon,fork and the remains of a cup with its handle just siting there with a rusty old water bottle (French) if only they could of talked.


    One of my favorite places to visit was the trench of bayonet's, but even these were taken by trophy hunters over the years, until they finally built a concrete shelter over them to protect them


  3. Another example of Freikorps markings, this time on a Garford Putilov.

    width=500 height=338http://i117.photobucket.com/albums/o72/rik242_2006/GarfordPutilovFreikorps.jpg[/img]


    The uniforms are typical of the Freikorps you may have noticed the trooper on the left wearing a stahlhelm with out a front peak........ made for the Turkish army (Muslims) but never dispatched.


    Atypical photo of the period from the dapper Officer to the trooper wearing a uniform that looks two sizes to big for him.



  4. So how many myths are out there regarding WW2.......???









    3. Spitfires were not the hero's of the Battle of Britain - it was in fact the Hurricane with a 60% kill ratio?











    i belive that there was actually more Hurricanes than Spitfires in the R.A.F. at the time, but the Spitfire being new was credited with winning the battle for the R.A.F propaganda to strike fear into the Axis forces / civilian populace and confidence into the Allied forces / civilian populace...



  5. Kegresse worked for the Czar and designed and built half tracks for the Czar's use.


    Hi all,

    going back to another thread Kegresse was the company who designed a small wire controlled tracked demolition vehicle, but threw it into a lake when the germans invaded. The Germans heard about the design recovered the vehicle modified it and launched it as the Goliath.



  6. Hope they don't dig up the regimental square of any ex-Wehrmacht or Waffen-SS barracks in Germany. According to legend, EVERY British barracks in BAOR during the Cold War had a tunnel system underneath, with a stay-behind supply of Tigers and Panthers that had been bricked up and that two sentries once found the tunnel - one went mad, the other was never seen again.




    I can remember when they excavated one of the parade ground`s in Roberts barracks in Osnabruck, being near the stables the cry went up "German helmets and rifles found"

    as kids we rushed over the redcaps were trying to seal the area off, slid down into the pit grabbed what ever and ran for it got the bikes and peddled home.


    My catch was ten helmets stacked one inside the other and a polythene bag of assortments ,buttons, badges, straps etc also had a luger in its holster (well corroded) and the metal work from a rifle.


    As part of the amnesty next day the two gun bits went back, but the helmets made fantastic cycling attire through the the German streets, followed by much `head shaking`from the local German populace :pfrt: :pfrt:



  7. Hi all,

    these Krads seem to have been very popular with the Allied forces (wish i had one :cry:) From the pictures they appear to have been overpainted in OD as well as the application of unit designations (MP)



  8. From what i recall this was actually a French idea, when the Germans invaded in 1940 the company which made the prototype (a well known company which made halftrack cars/trucks ) threw it in to a lake. Recovered by the Germans who studied and bettered the design in to the Goliath. Several other vehicles ([read tanks], minenraumwagen) were used ,eg one known as the Springer (i am sure there is also one of these at Bovvy)


    Though initially electrically driven with a capacity to carry 65kg`s of explosives there were several design variants the final type i believe was driven by a NSU two stroke engine with a carrying capacity of 75kg`s of explosive.


    From the top of me `ead but actually quite an interesting life story for this small MV.


  9. Where did you get it from????? This is an American issued wirefoto print.


    All press issue pix published in the UK had to be passed by the official censor, who used a red pen to mark what he did not want shown. At The Times all these censored prints survivem but a catastrophic cock-up in 1986 allowed all the uncensored prints to be lost. They were kept in a shed on the roof of the old Times building and it was just forgotten about.....


    Captions were deliberately vague. Unit names and anything of use to the enemy was obscured - which has a detremental effect today. Typically, this means that many prints are now almost "lost" because not indepth notes survive. Identification marks on uniforms and buildings had to be scratched off negatives. This was "easy" with glass plate, but harder with the newer films becoming available. Newspaper pics from the UK were pooled, as were American stuff. You would have British Official on one hand, which were pix taken by the military - which now reside in Lambeth, and then the British newspaper Press pool - which was all the stuff done by the great unwashed. Sometimes the caption would name the original source, such as the Times, The Daily Sketch, or their syndication arm, The Graphic Photo Union. Papers like the Mail and the Express rarely had their names mentioned in Press Pool pix, but regionals like the Yorkshire Post or Western Mail would - as would any Associated group local titles. It's a lottery


    The pic shown is an example of a wirefoto - hence the caption down the side. These were usually managed by the Associated Press and United Press from the USA and detail will be minimal. I cannot determine whether this a a Signal Corps pic issued by them, or one by a press snapper.


    A good find......



    A few that i have (the ones i never gave away :cry: :cry:) usually had a vague caption typed onto a slip of paper stuck to the reverse. The German (SS) equivalent had large stamp with a pencilled (usually inked over) description on the reverse.



  10. There was a book ages ago with a mix of original photographs and artwork by the great John Batchelor; I'm sure it was as you say, the Secret planes of the Luftwaffe. It covered all the weird and wonderful jets that never got off the drawing board and some that did. Dunno where you will find this book. It was the sort of thing the Aviation Library, or whatever it was called would sell off cheap as a "come on" for subscribers.




    I remember meeting J Batchelor on a couple of occasions and eventually brought some of his art work for military publications, i still have a signed piece of a German 8 - rad in Afrika colours




    Hi Radek,

    i can appreciate what you are saying, and due to the scarcity of British softskins in comparison to U.S. it is good to know that a keen effort is being made to restore / save these vehicles /parts.







    Thanks for the extra pictures Radek :tup: :tup:,

    true testament to the effort and time put in to the reenactment.


  12. Hi Ashley,

    yes it was by fire brigade. The parts from this lorry what I have are tipical Ambulance.

    I thing this, what is on the picture, was made from K2 Ambulance.

    Many cars and lorries changed here real looks for another use. :-))) Is tipical for eastern block, after the war wasn´t home production and the US strong limusine was cat and use as pick up, .... Many interesting cars and lorries was demaged. :-((

    We have K2 Ambulance body. I don´t know the story of chassise, bud this body was use as beehose and after then as piggery. :-(






    Hi Radek,

    i can appreciate what you are saying, and due to the scarcity of British softskins in comparison to U.S. it is good to know that a keen effort is being made to restoe save these vehicles /parts.



  13. Hi Radek,

    i knew that your country had many fine exaples of WW2 dated German vehicles, but did not realise the intrest (or availability) of allied vehicles :tup: :tup:

    The last picture you posted looks more like a fire tender than an ambulance ?



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