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Everything posted by 67burwood

  1. Thank you for the complement Rob. The curve should be interesting, looking forward to tackling it in the next couple of weeks 🤥
  2. So........time to start fabricating the engine cover, drivers side first and this is all I had to go on.... made by a previous owner, it didn’t really fit and the square edge pressed against the back of your leg. Time to start fabricating 😬 I’ve gone with 1mm sheet steel as it’s easier to work with, not sure if it was the right choice but time will tell, I am still in two minds to have gone with a slightly thicker gauge. first offering not looking to bad. finished panel, it still amazes me just how long it takes to make. second of 3 panels and almost finished, it only took a whole day!!!! final fitting 🙂 Quick dust of paint just to protect until the final paint is done. just the passenger side to do and then the easy curved top🤨
  3. I am tempted to make a clamp on secondary lever as I don’t really want to modify the original, you almost need to be double jointed to hit 2nd and 4th!!
  4. Thank you for confirming that the gear throw is meant to be awful and that it’s normal, it should be an interesting drive !!
  5. “ At last some progress “ The time has come to start refitting the inside of the cab and to make an engine cover, I delved into the Fordson spares department ( didn’t take long ) and found some rusty gems most of the parts were self explanatory and finding the rear section of the engine cover was a result, however there are a couple of panels pictured below that I have no idea where they go... Started to temporarily fit the panels just to see what fits and what needs adjustment first problem is the throttle cable, after many hours fitting it may need re-routing. Rear cover fitted and you can see that this was obviously a problem before by the marks on the rocker cover, this old truck must have been like driving a wacker plate with the engine wedged against the chassis and the engine cover vibrating 😂 Seats and frames fitted just to see what space is left, not much... the hardest part will be making panels to fit around the handbrake lever Quick question to anyone who has driven one of these truck, is the gear lever throw from 1st to 2nd etc..meant to be so long, it virtually touch’s the back of the cab when it’s in second, forth and reverse?
  6. Fingers crossed it’s automotive🤞If not it’s going to be very... very...very slow!! Instead of just slow.....
  7. Investigate complete!! It doesn’t say tractor or truck.
  8. She’s a bit fussy with post war vehicles 😂 PM me a good picture and I will see what I can do.
  9. There’s always something new to learn, investigation starts tomorrow!!
  10. It’s all a learning curve, I didn’t know about the difference dipsticks but will have a look this week 👍
  11. No need to apologise Rob, all information and input is greatly appreciated.
  12. Thank you for the info, the serial number is 502E60611 which I believe is a Thames trader number, Super6 has supplied the info below but I was unaware of the stamping on the dipstick , I will investigate this week and let you know. Posted July 16 Yes, I think it is an industrial or truck engine of 1961 vintage. Your fuel injection pump was not used on the Fordson Major, the tractor fuel lift pump was mounted directly to the block where your blank plate is attached. I do not know how interchangeable the tractor and industrial/truck engine parts are.
  13. Thanks for the replies, Autosparks don’t have a pattern and I’ve emailed the wiring harness company but haven’t had a response yet.
  14. It had crossed my mind to make my own for the reasons you have mentioned but just as a time saver I wanted to see if there’s any company’s that could help if needed.
  15. Can anyone recommend a company that could make a new wiring loom/harness for my 1944 Fordson WOT6, I’ve tried Autosparks but they haven’t got a pattern to copy, unfortunately the truck hasn’t got its original loom, it had a home made jobby which was mainly the same colour and very messy to say the least , any advice would be most welcome.
  16. Not much has happened recently, work has been hectic and laid up with a bad back hasn’t helped...but I’ve managed to get a few small jobs done. Flushed the radiator out and refitted it. The throttle took a bit more working out, the previous owner had bodged a cable that just didn’t really work and the hand throttle had been disconnected main because the timing cover was resting on top of it. Now I know it doesn’t look much but it took hours !! Fitting, removing, refitting, removing, welding small brackets, and fettling just so everything clears and works smoothly, we probably take for granted just how much engineering goes into the making and operation of these small things, it’s only when someone has converted the vehicle from a V8 Petrol to a 4 cylinder diesel you realise what a knock on affect it has on everything......But.....if it was easy where’s the fun in that🤔🤨😩😂 Just to change the subject a bit my daughter sketched the Fordson as a surprise for me.....very proud Dad.
  17. If your a Londoner and you store your vehicles in Somerset that’s one heck of a commute 😂 The V5 should be registered to your home address or business address as the registered keeper ( not necessarily the owner ) and your insurance should be the same, if your vehicle is not stored overnight at your home address then you should advise your insurance company, if the Police wanted to check on PNC they could check your insurance to validate any information as to way you are in an area that you don’t live. DVLA aren’t interested in where your vehicle is stored, they just want to know where you are!!
  18. 👍not far from weybridge so I’ll take a look.
  19. Thanks for the info, it would be interesting to see what’s near me in Surrey
  20. Definitely worth preserving from a historic point. Are they currently logged/registered with any organisations such as National trust?
  21. Your doing a great job keep it up, I can only imagine it’s a massive time consuming task. 👍
  22. I think we may have bought them from the same place 😂
  23. Bad weather's no longer a problem, I’ve just extended the garage😬 The wife had mixed emotions and started shouting something about a Fox Hat !! no idea what she was saying as I had the grinder going🤔
  24. “ measure twice , cut once “. and still couldn’t get it right , I tried blaming the tools but it was definitely operator malfunction 🤪
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