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abn deuce

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Everything posted by abn deuce

  1. Found on German Federal Archive site Additive: North Africa, Tunis. - To general field marshal Erwin Rommel (with marshal staff greeting) and lieutenant colonel Fritz Bavarian flax, being located in the car, with drive past at motorized troops, among other things soldiers in captured American half-track vehicle M3
  2. a full tracked German cargo truck interesting trailer wheels , was it to save rubber or anti mine damage ie runflat ? Zusatz: Raupenschlepper-Ost (RSO) mit 2Achs-Anhänger Additive: Catarpillar east (RSO) with 2Achs-Anhänger
  3. another photo of another Dingo Additive: France, Dieppe. - British landing attempt (" Operation Jubilee"), back calm British reconnaissance tank Daimler Dingo (" with label; Hound") at the beach; KBK Lw 3
  4. Found this at the German Federal Archives site WARNING may be graphic. Additive: France, Dieppe. - British landing attempt (" Operation Jubilee"), German soldiers on investigation of a captured British reconnaissance tank Daimler Dingo
  5. a military vehicle parade in Paris 1942 with a verity of vehicles Additive: France, Paris. - " parade of the armed forces, vehicles of the SS-Leibstandarte; Adolf Hitler" , among other things Porsche amphibious vehicle (" Schwimmkübel"); PK 696
  6. are you sure it was with mr Jim Bean and not being interrogated by a Captain Morgan who would be more inline with this forum's ranking structure
  7. werent they issued a thermite grenade or sidearm for that purpose ? or was that just Hollywood legend .
  8. Dig those crazy wide whitewalls ! goes along with the highway treads.
  9. Welcome to the Friendly Forum I m sure several of the other members who have great experiance in LR's will be along shortly to chat with you about their fun with sorting out Land Rover engine problems and more . So come on into the Clubhouse Bar and pour yourself a wee dram of something . If you have a mind to order something from the kitchen you may have to lend them a hand as a number of other Members are keeping them busy cooking mash potato's and such to recreate lifesize models of popular MV's complete with Gravy swamps .
  10. It could have been so much worse ! that last photo , as Odd Ball would have said what a mother wonderful beautiful sight to see , when you looked at it for the first time and not just full of rusty water and completely corroded parts. I look foreward to the saga of getting all those pistons out one way or the other , in pieces large and small .
  11. The multi bank used 5 engines did'nt it ? so its quite a bit more to redo 5 complete engines than just doing 1 single huge tank engine ! That must have taken years of very hard labor and a lot of luck to put right again .
  12. one more from warmer time caption Zusatz: Russland, bei Woronosch.- Soldaten bei Montage eines schweren Wurfrahmens 40 an einem mittleren Schützenpanzerwagen (Sd.Kfz. 251 der 24. Panzerdivision?) und Beladen mit Munition (Wurfkörpern); PK 694 translationAdditive: Russia, with Woronosch. - Soldiers when assembling of a heavy throw framework 40 at a middle armored personnel carrier (Sd.Kfz. 251 of the 24. Armored division?) and loading with ammunition (Wurfkörpern); PK 694
  13. another photo of another 3/4 track but better winter protection Title: Russia, plough type ditcher in the employment Additive: Soviet Union center, with Witebsk. - Half-track vehicle with supporter for digging a ditch in snow-covered area; PK 697
  14. Not sure of its proper discription but found this photo on the wekipedia site of German federal archive and thought others would like to see it
  15. Just found out about this archive from the CCKW.org group . For a great group of photo's not just German vehicles here's the site http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/Category:Images_from_the_German_Federal_Archive_by_year I m sure like many others the looking will take the place of Holiday shopping for while :cool2:, My friends will understand what comes first on my list .... Archives first , My getting you a gift ------- :rofl: lets see what the next photo is ???? :shocked: :coffee: :yay::yay::yay:
  16. Guessing this would allow OP. forces events to be planned :idea: at the Clubhouse now . Will that mean splitting the clubhouse into two area's or perhaps only the off road course so to allow photography of seperate vehicle groups ? otherwise it might confuse :confused: non-club members seeing such a mixing of nationalities:coffee:
  17. Hope you had a lot of friends attend your party , I m sure that all had a time to remember.
  18. Nice to see you have made the happy 1000's mark and look foreward to reading many more of your postings.
  19. Jolly good show , Well done AndyFowler , take care I feel that Jack will next be asking to barrow a huge number of Electron's from your supply to give a transfusion to His Mans Truck . I love to hear that its running again one of these days !
  20. Beautiful work , shame that much of it will never see the light of day again , since you will never need to open that very well restored gear box !
  21. Thanks very much for the great link to a story an aircraft and crew I had never heard about before . I hope whenits time comes to be taken of active duty that It will continue to be maintained and flown as a tribute to all that have served and been helped by Bravo November .
  22. American PT boat I m pretty sure here is the wikipedia link with the story on development and for Catw. the fuel comsumption figures http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/PT_boat
  23. Nows the time to fill up that tank trailer before the prices start rising again , just be sure to use plenty of stabilizier dont want to to go bad too soon . Pity that while the fuel is cheap that jobs and job security are costing more and more , as in you forgo vacation's or sick leave in order not to lose a job now .
  24. so much for the grill hows the radiator ?
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