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abn deuce

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Everything posted by abn deuce

  1. One of his missions near the end of the war was to make field modification to the Super M26 Pershing M26A1E2 on the test firing of the 90MM cannon at a German Jagdpanzer IV assult gun that was positioned 1 1/2 miles away with it facing them that " the sparks shot about 60 feet into the air the projectile penetrated four inches of armour , went through a five inch final drive dif shaft,the fighting compartment , and the rear partition of the fighting compartment, penetrated the four and a half inch crankshaft of the mayback engine and the one inch rear armour and dug itself into the ground so deep that we could not locate it " he also goes thru the field upgrades to the sherman .....so a number of items that I think the members of this forum will like to learn about .
  2. understood its the same here once the insurance claim is paid its their property . Again It's a miracle that no one was hurt . Hope you will find another LR to restore soon .
  3. Yes your right if no injuries then you look to the vehicles. Did the other drive simply pull out in to your wifes path? So both your LR's are totaled and will be stripped of all salvageable parts I d guess ? Are there many like them on the used vehicle market over there ?
  4. All very True ,he describes the mechanics taking a spent German anti tank round found inside of a Sherman tank and fitting it into the hole it made in the turret , then welding it to patch the hull and grinding it flush inside and out and repainting to hide the repair due to the superstions of new crews of getting a previously knock out tank .
  5. 296 pages 16 pages of bw combat photograph's and a map. A very moving and true account of what WWII for a then 19 yr old U.S.Army combat infantryman of the the real day to day combat survival was like. He was trained in the use of mine detectors and describes being told to go clear a snow covered area in the Ardennes of mines for a 155 howitzer battery only to find himself and a six-by load of men in trouble when the GMC became immobilized in what the turned out to be the middle of a German mine field , only the fact that the mines had not been had the safety pins removed to activate them had saved them . He served from November 1944 until the Occupation of Germany at the end of the war. by Roscoe C. Blunt jr. published by SARPDON ISBN#1-885119-72-0
  6. I tell you guy's it says its called a Brum on the data plate! looks just like it see you -tube clip http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VmqJkvHoc88
  7. while inspecting this 30's version of a Barbie Car they concluded its "D" cell batteries had been depleted and its squirrel cage overdrive had expired due to the enormous strain put on it by the severe overload caused by the 7 G.I.'s it had been transporting .
  8. A real WWII salvage area note the WLF at the end of the isle and the cargo bodies being used for bins. French caption Stock de pièces mécaniques américain entreposé à Ecausseville sur le terrain du hangar à dirigeable. Une allée bordée de matériel de toute sorte, sur la droite des caisses pleines d'essieux, dans le fond une grue, des camions, plusieurs hommes sont visibles. Référence : Association historique et culturelle de Montebourg translation Stock of machine elements American stored with Ecausseville on the ground of the hangar with airship. An alley bordered of material of any kind, on the line of the cases full of axles, in the content a crane, trucks, several men are visible. Reference: Historical and cultural association of Montebourg
  9. I have and quite a few others from the different branches of the services from WWII to Vietnam. Filled with Brave deeds by many who did not survive , and unfortunately often being commanded by arm chair officers who had no idea of conditions. Pardon the rant
  10. an interesting group and thread thanks for posting the link .
  11. If I recall properly it tells in detail of how they fought from house to house and from floor to floor to try and hold on . Vastly out numbered still they held on.
  12. If not what he wanted It's a great site spent quite a while and only got through 1/2 of it . with all the detail's posted I wonder whats left in the book ! Thanks for posting.
  13. at last I did find a photo of American fuel cans being handled http://i236.photobucket.com/albums/ff35/abndeuce/1654276526_a3605ff768.jpg[/img] French Caption Stock de jerrycans au sud de l'Angleterre Référence: page 13 du livre: Quand l'or noir coulait à flot de Philippe Bauduin, Heimdal, 2004. En arrière plan ; trois GI's et quatre camions GMC dont deux avec remorque remplis de caisses.
  14. found a second photo of the tank named Hurricane as its coming ashore in Normandy note the circled star on top , and the two fuel cans just behind the turret. http://i236.photobucket.com/albums/ff35/abndeuce/456312310_65ce367ed5.jpg[/img] French caption Du haut d'un LST: débarquement d'un char Sherman M4 surnommé " Hurricane " il est équipé de hottes de franchissement. Dispositif " Deep Wading gear " permettant au moteur de "respirer" dans l'eau (entrée d'air et sortie d'échappement), ôtées dès l'arrivée sur la terre ferme (on peut en voir abandonnées sur la plage sur de nombreuses photos) Ce M4 fait partie de la 2nd Armored Division, de la H Co, d'un des deux Armored Regiment de la division qui a débarqué à Omaha Beach (Saint Laurent sur Mer) du 7 au 9 juin 1944. (on voit le changement du moteur de ce même char en p012484)
  15. a few working Jimmies doing a typical transport mission .moving members of the 442 French Caption Soldats américains d'origine asiatique en camion GMC. Impossible de situer cette photo, peut être des éléments de la 442d Inf Div. (Nisei =seconde génération d'américano-japonais) Cette division a débarqué en Provence. La p011184 présente une Jeep de la H Co, (Heavy Weapon) de la 442d Inf Div. (Nisei) Pour en savoir plus : www.homeofheroes.com/moh/nisei/index6_vosges.html Pour en savoir plus sur les Nisei: fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nisei translation : American soldiers d' Asian origin in the truck GMC. Impossible to locate this photograph, can be elements of the 442d Inf Div. (Nisei =seconde d' generation; américano-Japanese) This division unloaded in Provence. The p011184 presents a Jeep of H Co, (Heavy Weapon) of the 442d Inf Div. (Nisei) More: http://www.homeofheroes.com/moh/nisei/index6_vosges.html More on Nisei: fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nisei
  16. Thats quite a load on that Matador !!!. please post more if you have them when you can from time to time perhaps . While they aren't O.D. they are a part of the puzzle of what happened to them between the military use and the present few that are going to be saved through restoration I fear the number being saved from the scrap pile is getting scarce and more are going to the crusher or furnaces and so are beyond help.
  17. a few more Jerry Cans , I seem to find loads of British or German Jerry Cans and few of American cans , except for the Vintage video moves where they use only American cans ? understandable since the movies were training films and would want everything to be U.S.Army issue. http://i236.photobucket.com/albums/ff35/abndeuce/373589100_c1d0af125c-1.jpg[/img] French caption Depuis des camions de carburant, des hommes remplissent des jerrycans vers Port-en-Bessin
  18. I bet that shook up the driver and everyone around the vehicle when that went BANG!!!
  19. Did the recovery service come to a explanation for the wheel coming off ? did they pay for the full repairs or have a reliable outfit do the repairs? . The posted pictures so far have been of the oblonged holes in the wheel hub ..... what of the damage to the wheel studs and nuts? I read you description of the joint and brake drum and its backing plate of those having been damaged , but you were not sure of the diff. and the rest. My interest in asking the questions is that it could have happened to me or might in the future with my CCKW so I want to learn what to do to avoid having it happen again .
  20. It would appear that the gentleman holding his head has just discovered either the unyielding steel above him and just smacked his head into same or is shocked to discover one of his wheels has gone missing somewhere along the way and can't bear the thought of having to 1 retrace his travels on foot or ????
  21. Good deal you meeting up with Yves and the going to the raffle , outstanding luck in the drawing , Is it a deac gun ? or a repro. replica
  22. What was the final outcome from the recovery company ? I only just came across this thread from the recently posted video.
  23. not sure what make this is but thought the motor cycle collectors would like the photo http://i236.photobucket.com/albums/ff35/abndeuce/373315456_8837adb21b.jpg[/img] French caption Le caporal Philippe Castailloux, motard, du régiment de la Chaudière, demande la direction d'un lieu au Sergent T.S Giles, No 4 Provost Company
  24. That looks Great , if it shouldnt run at least she looks like a million dollars and is plenty to look at just standing still !
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