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Everything posted by oddball

  1. Only 1/2 way I've finished mine 8) Found this one in our local secondhand bookshop the other day Haven't got very far into it yet, it's a bit heavy going. It's suggesting that the allies had enough intelligence to know that the Germans were planning a breakthrough but didn't put 2 & 2 together. Why are we talking about books in this section anyway?
  2. Well if you need any help with pictures & stuff you only gotta ask, only too glad to help.
  3. Oh THAT gee! :roll: Why can't we have pretty little pictures of our rank insignia like they do?
  4. Pardon me for being ignorant but I've led a sheltered life. What exactly is this GEE that everyone keeps mentioning?
  5. While we are on the subject of tyres, I have been thinking of changing mine to bargrips (on block treads at the moment) I've heard tell that bargrips don't grip as well in the mud, has anyone done the dirty stuff with both types & can say which is better?
  6. oddball


    Thanks for the support guys, suggest as much as you want Degsy. If we get enough interest in the idea we'll need plenty of suggestions for suitable charities & then put it to the popular vote.
  7. Oh ok Jack, sorry I think I got the wrong idea. I thought you were suggesting that everyone passes their own books around. So you are saying that the library would stock the more common titles that most people probably already have anyway?
  8. Sorry, I don't want to appear as a kiljoy on this one, but what the hell. Sounds like it could end up to be a bit of a logistical nightmare as someone would need to maintain a central database to keep track of all the books available & where they were at any time, send out reminders etc. Obviously books can be heavy items & therefore expensive to post & people could end up seriously out of pocket. Then there is the problem if a book gets lost or damaged & once it has passed through 150 pairs of hands it is going to be knackered so who will replace it? If it's a rare one it might be impossible to replace. Sorry for so many negative waves, it's a good idea in theory though.
  9. Oddball, that has given me an idea........see 'tell us' section! :wink: Oh gawd not another one, sounds like trouble..................
  10. This is a good book for pictures & I know how you like pictures Jack
  11. Cheers Jack, I think I've got that one somewhere
  12. oddball


    I've been thinking that it would be nice as a group to be able to support a charitable cause in some way. Anyone got any thoughts on the subject?
  13. Well you can't turn the radio up so get a good pair of ear plugs
  14. Just think positive, you could have left the roof at home as well...............
  15. Just one of the joys? of MV ownership
  16. No, I was a late leaver which is when I took the photos. :wink:
  17. OK now we've sorted that one out, who's turn is it to cook tea tonight?
  18. I'm right behind you Karoshi, you go first though............
  19. I can't find them, I think Jack must have taken them with him :shock:
  20. I'm up for it, I will ask you know who but chances are he could be busy nicking people with no lights...............
  21. Are you hinting at me again Karoshi?
  22. There was a reasonable amount of people there who seemed to be having a good time. I personally didn't see any bargains but I wasn't looking for anything in particular anyway. Karoshi seemed to get tempted once or twice but managed to restrain himself. I think Paul that you would probably have been disappointed with the amount of stuff there had you travelled the 150 miles to get there.
  23. oddball

    Gasket repair?

    I got some stuff here that will do Jack. PM your address & I'll stick it in the post in the morning.
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