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Everything posted by oddball

  1. Yes, welcome. I'm afraid you'll have to work out for youself where Jack keeps the key to his secret stash of brandy. Whoops.
  2. There's a lesson to be learnt there, don't walk into broken mirrors
  3. Naturally I can understand your predicament but I'm sure if you just head for the most handsome person there you will probably be on target.
  4. I have no idea what a ferret looks like "under the bonnet" but in the car world there is always some means of directing hot air from the exhaust manifold into the air intake. Either by pipework or a summer/winter setting on the air filter.
  5. Sounds like a classic case of carb icing to me.
  6. No yours is in the post mate, it just means you gotta buy me double cheeseburger with onions, cup of tea etc
  7. Ok chaps listen up. The top brass have spared every expense in producing these solid gold 100% cast iron guaranteed Plastic badges (or as we like to call them recognition panels) They are available in any colour as long as it's green & the challenge is that anyone who manages to spot me at Malvern will receive a free, I'll say that again FREE green recognition panel (RP for short)especially if they bribe me with cups of tea. You will recognise me not only by my outstanding good looks, but I will also be displaying a blue RP in a prominent place )or not as the case may be)
  8. So just to confirm then Polecat, that's double cheeseburgers with extra onions (chilli sauce for Karoshi), iced buns, all the tea we can drink & biscuits
  9. Yea, I heard it ok. Polecat said if everyone meets him in the food hall at 1300 he would buy us all a burger & tea
  10. http://www.imps.org.uk/index2.html
  11. It was a great day, thanks Jack. Here's a few more pics.
  12. Gonna be a lot of others Jack, you missed out French
  13. Welcome Jon, pull up & crate & grab yourself a coffee. Think Jack's eaten all the choccy biccys though. AGAIN!
  14. oddball

    The Last Tommy

    Yes, very thought provoking & emotional, can't help wondering if they started filming it 2 years ago how many of those chaps are still alive now.
  15. I think I can see something Jack, not sure though. :?
  16. Sorry Jack I seem to have something in my eyes at the moment............
  17. Aren't you going then Jack :shock:
  18. There will be hundreds at Malvern no doubt
  19. Looks like you got a serious amount of dust in your lens Jack
  20. Like this you mean................
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